Here is another update to the character sheet. I rendered the character a bit more and experimented with some mask and clan symbol designs. I decided to go with the mask design that was closer to the original version I had - since i really liked the silhouette of it.

At this point I think I am comfortable enough with the character to transfer this design over to the illustration.

I hope you guy's are enjoying this so far, and as always let me know your thoughts! :smile:

Loving the colors and design. I'm torn between the mask design you picked and mask design 3. Mask design 3 to me feels really aggressive and the mask design you picked seems mysterious. Both have good looks and fit the character really. well. Maybe a cool idea would be that his mask changes depending on his mood.(Thought about this more and this would probably only work in a comic or animation or video games) Anyway keep up the awesome work. It's getting better an better.

Love the silhouette of the character. I wonder if the illustration is a little too zoomed in, as dynamic as it is it's a little hard to take in the character himself. Keep up the amazing work!

That would be a pretty cool idea but I'm not sure how I could depict something like that in an illustration haha. Thanks for the input! :smile:
Yeah I definitely see what you mean. I 100% agree with you, the piece does seem too zoomed in.
Thank you for the feedback :smile:

I love all of them ! I don't how i would choose if i had to xD

Alright so I decided to re-do the sketch for the illustration.
The first version seemed to zoomed in (as pointed out by @nightblue-art) and did not showcase the character too well.

The new version put's more of the focus on the character. I also wanted the mask to be a strong focal point as well, since it is a very important part of the character. I felt like the previous composition didn't do a good job at that since most of the mask wasn't showing.
Anyway let me know what you think of the new version, your feedback is always appreciated! :smile:

Ohhh so cool that pose !
We really can feel his powers !!!
And the mask - so badass - but looks like he's (sort of) smiling, that's pretty cool.

Great job man :smile:

Wow ! The new comp is amazing ! I love it :smile:

ah, looking cool man. stoked to see it finished.

Oof, feeling that action really nicely, Jason! Keep at it ^^

loving your progress! your painting style and method is really interesting. Do you mind posting a gif of your progress sometime later? I think I will learn a lot from it ^^

@rgdraw @Iago_Cavalcante @ESL @Steve_Kim @HorizonDweller

Thanks for the kind words guys! Glad you are liking it so far! :smile:

@Steve_Kim Sure! I can do that with this piece.

Sooooo I decided to redo the piece once more.
After taking a break from the piece for a couple of days I looked at it again and didn't really like it anymore. I felt like the pose was too stiff. This guy is suppose to come from a tribe of fire dancers so I feel like the pose and composition should be more graceful and flowing if that makes any sense haha.

I spent some time reworking the pose/composition some more and came up with this! The idea for this was to have the character ascending from the ground while performing one of his special moves - fire dragon summon.
Overall I think this one captures the character a lot more then the previous.

Let me know what you think of it. :smile: