That would be a pretty cool idea but I'm not sure how I could depict something like that in an illustration haha. Thanks for the input!
Yeah I definitely see what you mean. I 100% agree with you, the piece does seem too zoomed in.
Thank you for the feedback
Alright so I decided to re-do the sketch for the illustration.
The first version seemed to zoomed in (as pointed out by @nightblue-art) and did not showcase the character too well.
The new version put's more of the focus on the character. I also wanted the mask to be a strong focal point as well, since it is a very important part of the character. I felt like the previous composition didn't do a good job at that since most of the mask wasn't showing.
Anyway let me know what you think of the new version, your feedback is always appreciated!
Thanks! I'm glad you guy's like it so far
@rgdraw @Iago_Cavalcante @ESL @Steve_Kim @HorizonDweller
Thanks for the kind words guys! Glad you are liking it so far!
@Steve_Kim Sure! I can do that with this piece.
Sooooo I decided to redo the piece once more.
After taking a break from the piece for a couple of days I looked at it again and didn't really like it anymore. I felt like the pose was too stiff. This guy is suppose to come from a tribe of fire dancers so I feel like the pose and composition should be more graceful and flowing if that makes any sense haha.
I spent some time reworking the pose/composition some more and came up with this! The idea for this was to have the character ascending from the ground while performing one of his special moves - fire dragon summon.
Overall I think this one captures the character a lot more then the previous.
Let me know what you think of it.