Good evening

I would love to participate in that wonderful challenge as a 3D artist this year.

When I've heard of this contest, I thought that it might be a good opportunity to advance my skills and get some feedback. So my participation here is mostly for my personal experience. But I should not let the competition spirit go away...! I will do my best to correct all the details.

However, I am new to this world and only recently started working in 3D modeling programs, like Blender, so I did not have the time to explore much. Also, I am not sure that I will be able to finish in time due to my studies.

My character is a Knight. A Robot Knight.
Here are my first ideas on paper, and the first-step realization in 3D:

(Yeah, there were few changes on the way)

Name: Danylo Perkov

I will try to upload my progress as soon when I have some free time:)