@thor6136 Thank you very much
Will do
@karidyas If you really want to here's a tip: Do art only for yourself. If there is something that you're interested in at any moment, may it be art related or not, just put time into research and learn it. Take notes, etc. Draw it onto the paper to not only let the information run through your head but also through your hands onto the paper. Makes remembering twice as easy.
And the most important thing. Keep it as dirty as you like. You dont have to make an illustration with your studies. You're trying to get information in and most often in a short amount of time. Just do it for yourself and dont worry about the quality. Once you're about to make an illustration you have the information in your head and can afford to put more time into making it "clean".
Tl,dr: Study for yourself to improve not only as an artist but as a person.
Also if you want to "create" a habit of studying/drawing everyday, you have to force it at the beginning. (For a habit to stay you need to do it 20-30dayish). For me: I also had to force it at the beginning because I wasn't used to drawing sevarel hours a day, but now because I developed this habit, I just do it, haha 
@cedricgo Thank you, mate! Yeah was trying some weird new stuff with that painting^^