I love these scribbles and the looseness of your lines. It's my favorite way to draw, but I tend to end up with nothing particularly finished afterwards. I'm glad to see someone else sees the value in it. Keep going. =)

@gardfinvik Thanks dude! I'm planning on doing some portfolio pieces during this month. I really hope that I can get enough time to finish them^^

@karidyas If you're in a phase where you are used to drawing without having to force yourself you need to start on working on fundamentals. - Build the passion than build the foundation - Haha^^
Also ART is just like a language. Like before learning to form sentences you have to be able to build words and before that you have to know the alphabet, etc.
Before you can work on designs (my current state) you have to be able to draw in perspective, paint your values properly, etc. pp. freely to express your designs through your drawing/painting. I really hope you understand what I mean :stuck_out_tongue:
So in short: Build up your passion first (drawing, painting, sculpting,...) and then if you're comfortable in using your medium, work on all your fundamentals to be able to draw anything you have in mind (lifelong process) .
But I'm just a noob. Started to draw seriously with my first "Daily Sketch" so take my advice with a grain of salt. :smiley:
Keep at it!

@stealcase Haha thanks man. I love scribbling, too. But I'm currently trying to get rid of my habit to draw "unclean" because I never draw over them again to clean 'em up, haha^^ Cheers!

DS #538: Trying out an ink brush on my iPad Pro which is similar to a ballpoint pen.
Wanted to draw something clean straight onto the canvas.
Still working on my shapes und lineart...
Compressing the file made the lineart really pixelated and blurry... hope it's okay on this site.
Tools: iPad Pro 12.9'' + Apple Pencil

DS #539:
Tried to get more practice with the iPad. Today's topic: Rendering practice - face study
Need some more time to get used to the brushes and need to work on my rendering workflow... My workflow is a mess haha... Haven't done a rendering study in a long time :smiley:
Tools: iPad Pro 12.9'' + Apple Pencil

DS #540:
Started reading some 'Halloween' stories today for the Crimson Crucible Challenge 6 and got really inspired by Lovecraft's short story 'The Cats of Ulthar'. May be starting a project based on some elements of it.
So I sketched out quickly a scene that I had in mind before losing it. Gotta adjust the background though for better contrast.
Wrote a lot more into my mindmap in 'Mindnode' to keep it all organized.
Working titles and possible end titles: The Boy and his Cat - The Boy's Cat - The Cat's boy.
This may finally drive me to creat portfolio pieces. Kinda hyped. Gonna be (hopefully) a fun project! :smiley:
Worked in Photoshop today because I don't like to render with the Procreate brush (yet) until they fix the 'glazing' option, haha^^.

Tools: PS CC, Wacom Intuos Pro M

DS #541:
Did some environment colour studies today because I want to get back into environments and noticed that I have to improve my fundamentals... So tomorrow will probably be fundamental training day haha^^
I notice that it wasn't a good idea to stop painting environments from life/photos >.< I feel like I lost several months... Well, time to get back into it!

Also worked on that Boy and his Cat project a little bit. Tried to force a little bit more of that perspective. Also noticed: Was hard to draw the character into perspective, especially the legs. -> need to draw more perspective grids and fill them up. D:
Also: I may turn the boy into a girl. I want to have him/her to have long hair and he/she should wear a lot cloth. May be creepier in the end.

DS #542: As mentioned yesterday I was focussing on basic stuff today.
So I did some gestures and perspective stuff.

These ones were 1-2min each

A 'from life' sketch and some perspective stuff.

But my main focus was animation today.
Got back into it after a couple months, finally. I wanted to force myself into thinking more in 3D space. Got the app 'Animation+' on my iPad and just went for it.

Had a lot of fun doing these. Got my brain really heated up haha. God practice!
Got some more for tomorrow and will do them everyday to keep my brain warm. :smiley:

Tools: iPad Pro 12.9'' + Apple Pencil + Procreate + Animation+

DS #543:
Having fun with animating more than anything else right now :smiley: So just a quick study of animals today and more animations.

Tried to work on my painting workflow. Needs some work, still.

Just trying to move the figure and the camera.

Tried to animate small 'scenes' with a moving camera.

Tried to animate the figures 'standing up' plus added some extra special effects practice.

Tools: PS CC, Wacom Intuos Pro M (for painting); iPad Pro + Apple Pencil + Animation+ (for animations)

Your style is really nice. Loose and elegant :smile:

Really want a iPad pro. I hear it works well.

@ragamuffin Thank you very much. That's what I'm going for but I still need practice in drawing very clean and work on the shapes :smiley:

@catapanoart Yeah the iPad Pro is very very nice but also very expensive.
Pluspoints are:
- very handy;
- if you're used to Photoshop, you have Procreate which is almost (not completely yet but they are listening to every(or most) suggestion of the community and are working really hard on the app);
- Apple pencil feels very nice (heavy like the wacom stylus) + you can add that gum thing of a ballpoint pen you like
- really nice animation app (imo cause I draw everything myself): Animation desk
Minuspoints (for me at least):
- not enough apps (iPad Pro is really fresh and needs time to get attention from developers cause I heard it's stressful to program software for the iPad) but I think we're getting there since Procreate + iPad gets really positive feedback
- very expensive (I dont use it as my main tool, it's mainly for sketching and animating cause I like the hand to paper/screen more when I draw lines and finish things on my desktop with photoshop because painting feels better there)

So if you're really considering getting an iPad you should try it out thoroughly in a store first :smiley: You need to like the feeling of the pencil to really enjoy it. Software is only going to get better and a new iPad Pro (2) could be released in the next year so waiting is not bad either. Cheers!

DS #544:
Had a long work day today (not art related) so just something quick today before sleeping.
First I studied clothes and focussed a little bit more on value.

Trying to keep my habit of making daily animations. Today's practice was wind + hair. Really really hard and did not come out as I intended but it was a good practice run. Learned a lot.
Wanted to do more but I have no power left haha. See ya tomorrow! :3

I really feel you about the Apple Pencil! It feels so organic and fun, huehue.
P.S. really digging your wind+hair animation, has a sort of unexpectedness that comes with the wind! Keep it up~

@ESL Haha thank you! Yeah I Didnt know what to do with the sketch and just added some wind :stuck_out_tongue: So the unexpectedness is also true for myself :smiley:

DS #545:
Today I decided that I wanted to get rid of the thought 'everything has to be realistic' in my drawings. I want to keep my studies as accurate es possible and my drawings from imagination as 'flowy' and 'simple' as possible to keep the fun in drawings.

So today was a little bit of style exploration (lineart). I want my colours to stay realistic though or only flat on my drawings :stuck_out_tongue: Gonna practice my colouring when I'm kinda satisfied with my drawings.
I'm hoping that the new style will help me with animating.

Really like how the drawings in the bottom right came out :smiley:
Tools: Polychromo on paper (sketchbook)

Daily Animation:
Tried to do a walkcycle from the front. Very hard and still inconsistent but had fun doing it and another random animation to keep my brain rolling :smiley:

Tools: iPad Pro + Apple Pencil + Animation+

Great to see peoples been consistent with posting, creating and so on. What I want to ask is, are you going to be finishing/applying those knowledge to more longer pieces as well, or is this just going to be daily sketching for who knows how long?

Just curious, because I feel, when you start like applying those knowledge more consistently and rigorously in your own worlds rather than just sketching, you can get this kind of feeling of seeing everything coming together to formulate something more polished and of your own, then merely just unfinished things.

Just throwing out my thoughts here. Keep on posting. Keep on sketching.

Awesome stuff, really nice to see that you kept at it. I will follow your progress!

These are amazing (I'm really bad at critiques =( ). I just wanted to ask, how do you manage to stay focused when doing studies. I personally get distracted very easily.

I really look forward to seeing your daily sketches!

@brianhermelijn Umm, that's a difficult question to answer for me. There are several problems (for me):
- Time:
I have like 1-5hours a day to paint/sketch/study. That's not a lot and I always want to strengthen my foundation so I keep studying quickly and the most that I can.
- Base sketch:
If I'd start a painting with the goal in mind to finish it (8-12hours) I'd need to spend 3-5 days only on that one. That's not fun for me, especially cause I always see flaws in my foundation sketch and have to correct it during to painting process (have finished like 4 paintings and I spent correcting stuff for 70% of the time cause my foundation was weak).
- Fun factor:
I'm currently starting university (non art stuff just to improve myself as a person, mainly culture and language stuff (japan) and other speech stuff that I can choose) which will take 3 years from now on to finish. So I'm currently drawing/painting/studying only to improve my foundation cause I will not be able to work during these 3 years.
That's why I'm asking myself everyday: 'What am I interested in today? What do I want to learn?' If I want to know sth specific I will have fun studying it -> fast sketches, dont need to be finished; only interested in the information. (currently interested in animation, clothing, anatomy). I would concentrate on finishing paintings during the weekend cause I have the most free time there but I'm always getting distracted because painting on one picture for 10 hours is just not fun to me. I want to create new ideas haha. But maybe later in a couple of months/years I will enjoy it.
- Extra:
I'm actually working on 3 projects which I want to finish atm. Cubebrush weekly, CrimsonCrucible Challenge 6 and an animation contest. The ideas I have in mind for these projects are fun atm so I wont mind finishing sth for this haha.

Hope I could 'paint you a picture' here :smiley: Cheers!

@sketchwars Thank you very much! Yeah I will go as long as I can haha :smiley: Hope you enjoy my future drawings/paintings :wink:

@lawrysega I'm not getting distracted when I'm having fun with the concept/idea/theme that I'm working with, so I always ask myself 'what I really want to learn today'.
I also get distracted very fast if I'm working at home because I'm always sitting infront of my computer. But I'm going to change that in the next weeks. Because I got myself an iPad Pro I can finally paint 'outside' digitally.
Also because I just started university I'm going to spend most of my day in uni or in the library which wil hopefully give me the concentration I need to level up my progress haha :smiley:
Maybe it's also your environment that keeps distracting you. Seperating 'relaxing' area and 'working' area is a very good way to keep distractions away. Most often just buying a new table only for studying works (cheap and always keep it empty, use only for studying)
Hope this answer could help you out! :smiley:

DS #546:
Today's topic: Exploration (style explroration and research for a project)
Not the cleanest drawings, still figuring out stuff. Need to draw a looot more haha :smiley:

Today was not a good day for my animation brain. Could not figure out how to move the characters correctly. Need to get out and observe real people :smiley:
Here are 2 ideas from today's animation:

Ah makes total sense! This reminds me exactly of what Anthony Jones mentioned about studying. Like having a mini-study/quick study where you're learning, and after that immediate application.

Which you're constantly doing, and eventually this helps you grow your visual library at a tremendous speed. Which brings me to question, have you noticed yourself been able to produce any subjects much easier?

As in, recalling a subject immediately, and been able to do it without a problem, since the day you started than before you started?