That's because that person is male :wink: I drew it more feminine on purpose because "he" is supposed to be androgynous. :smiley:
And thank you :wink:

DS #531:
Mainly sketching today. Trying to work on my rendering flow and tried to sketch some gestures with basic skeletons.

Notes: Gotta refresh my skeleton anatomy before jumping back into muscles (foundation) and work on skin tones.

DS #532: Inktober 1
Using Inktober to focus on simple strokes while studying things that I'm rusty at :smiley:
Today's topic is 'hands'.
Uses my hand/arm + mirror as reference.

Tools: Pilot Hi-Tec-C Pen on paper

DS #533: Inktober 2: Still working on my hands. Need to be more simple and less scratchy.
Tools: Pilot Hi-Tec-C Pen on paper

DS #534: Formstudy
Tried out the pencil again today and still love the look more than any other medium...
So no inktober drawing today.

Tools: Polychromo pencil on paper

Love the looseness/confidence in your sketches! Keep it up :smiley:

Thank you very much! I'm trying to use every tool like it's putting ink down (no erasing) forcing myself to keep form and gesture in mind. Going to keep it up as long as I am able to :smiley:

DS #535: Inktober drawing 3 from yesterday and inktober 4 from today. Getting used to the Pentel Brush Pen again. Still hard to use :smiley:

Tools: Pentel brush pen on paper

oooh, im liking this. Gonna go look at your facebook thing (if I can find it).

Some amazing sutff right here !! Love the fact that you're doing so much fondation stuff !

looking forward to see more art from you, the first androgyn boy looks so simple yet so cool.

@stealcase I edited my first post with my fb link if you've not founb it yet and thank you very much!

@byot Thank you so much. Yeah I love to improve my foundations and practice that most of my time which results in me not really having any "finished" artworks that I could put into my portfolio page, haha^-^
Also I'm trying to visualize the most with as few strokes as possible if you know what I mean :smiley:

DS #536: Today I picked up on gesture studies again. I feel reaally really rusty and have to keep doing this everyday from now on...
Too many "useless" strokes and not enough flow

Tools: Pentel Brush Pen on paper

Man this is the sort of stuff I wish I could make myself do. Studies, new techniques, not worrying about final results just trying to get better. 500+ days is very impressive, you're an inspiration.

That's what I call dedication :smile:

I really love the first painting. I like the way the bright way figure looks on the dark background. It gives a very supernatural look.

And great work on those studies. They look very nice!

@thor6136 Thank you very much :smiley: Will do

@karidyas If you really want to here's a tip: Do art only for yourself. If there is something that you're interested in at any moment, may it be art related or not, just put time into research and learn it. Take notes, etc. Draw it onto the paper to not only let the information run through your head but also through your hands onto the paper. Makes remembering twice as easy.

And the most important thing. Keep it as dirty as you like. You dont have to make an illustration with your studies. You're trying to get information in and most often in a short amount of time. Just do it for yourself and dont worry about the quality. Once you're about to make an illustration you have the information in your head and can afford to put more time into making it "clean".

Tl,dr: Study for yourself to improve not only as an artist but as a person.
Also if you want to "create" a habit of studying/drawing everyday, you have to force it at the beginning. (For a habit to stay you need to do it 20-30dayish). For me: I also had to force it at the beginning because I wasn't used to drawing sevarel hours a day, but now because I developed this habit, I just do it, haha :smiley:

@cedricgo Thank you, mate! Yeah was trying some weird new stuff with that painting^^

DS #537:
Tested sketching on my new Ipad Pro 12.9'' and I love it because it's so close to Photoshop on my desktop.
Gonna have to try and work around with the brushes and settings.
All done from imagination so not really good stuff today.

Tools: Ipad Pro 12.9'' + Apple Pencil

Nice studies and sketches dude, would love to see some more elaborate pieces as time goes on!

Thanks for taking the time to write that, it means a lot. Just drawing whatever I'm interested in at the moment is great advice and I see a lot of people doing it now that you point it out, that would definitely make the drawing habit easier to stick to. Inktober will hopefully get me into it, though I managed to drop the ball pretty quick last year. Just gotta keep the drive, and this blog I can see being very helpful for that. Thanks again :smile:

I love these scribbles and the looseness of your lines. It's my favorite way to draw, but I tend to end up with nothing particularly finished afterwards. I'm glad to see someone else sees the value in it. Keep going. =)