Hey There
I recently "finished" Term I and want to show some works. feel free to give advices :smile:

The following stuff I will post separated, if I finished one. Still sorry for bad english ^^

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Very nice! strong show of dedication, mate. The only critique that would be worth you acting on first would be to use more fluid lines, at the moment you are making sort of 'chicken scratch' lines inching around forms. Instead, try to use medium length flowing lines and straights to describe the silhouette of the form. You may want to increase the size of your brush and turn on all of your pen settings to help it feel more like a normal pencil (if you haven't already). Keep it up!

Thx, I will keep it in mind :smile:

Hi Gondo, love the work one thing i can recomend you try doing is to draw clear lines instead of doing the chicken scratch technique (sorry i just realised someone has also mentioned this)

Hi Gondo,
I think you did very well capturing the theme of the words you wrote as "Dragon Realm". It gives me the feeling of something mythical and fantasy themed. It also gives me some DnD vibes ^^ ! Please disregard if this feeling is not correct ^^. I haven't reached the second term yet, but this looks like a lot of fun so far and I'm really looking forward to it :smiley: .

Keep up the great work :blush: !

Thanks ^^

I am also not entirely finished with term 1. Stuff like gesture I still practice bevore working on the advanced stuff :smiley: