Hi guys! Guess I am a little late to the party but here goes, My name is Richard J Olsen/Calion104. I used to be a strictly traditional art guy, but have lately been trying to kinda change direction into the digital world.

My Entry is going to be a champion fighting on the side of light:
Angro the Lion god, doesin't usually fight his own battles so to say, although he is an entity of immense divine power, he is not completely immortal. That being said, he is a god, and alongside all the power and wisdom that comes with a job like that, there is also much responsibility. Because of this, he makes it a principle not to mettle too much in the world below him. (not directly atleast). But much like the majestic lion itself, this cross between an animal, man and.. Something else, will provide his fellow companions with some extra 'muscle' should there be a need of, putting down something big.

First sketch, to get an idea of the pose I want him to stand in. I figured his Weapon of choice, would be a big manly staff:

Dude make haste! Clock is ticking tick tock, the days are ending

Yes, I realised that aswell :stuck_out_tongue: it is a good thing, that the weekend is Now upon us ^^

Been drawing some weapon variations for his mighty staff:

Just working on some face details before bed-time. (had 3 images, but now iv'e just put them in the same document):

Morning, today I started off with some more face-work, I'm thinking, braids..

Getting ready, to work on the concept sheet, with some frame drawing, I had some problems making the back curl slightly with the back faced one, also realised it has been ages since i drew a character from the back :stuck_out_tongue: so. Good training. :

I have been trying to get a design down for the outfit, I wanted to make multiple designs using the same frame, but I ended up sketching the same frame over and over again. so Instead Have just 1 picture showing some of my progress so far:

I like the overall theme of a light battle armor, but still feel like, it needs something..
Feel free to throw some feedback at me.

I'm bailing out..

Today was a stressfull day, my wacom charger pooped out on me. And I was suddenly unable to continue drawing, I went out and bought a universal charger, and although it fit the device, the power that it was sending through just simply wasin't enough juice to keep it powered. So unfortunately... i'm out, but I wish all the rest of you a great contest, and good luck! = )
Aaand just for fun, I am going to upload my final work:

(btw, I might upload a final image, once I get my setup back up and running. Either here, or on my deviantart: https://calion104.deviantart.com/)