Name : Franco Chioraia (racnos in some social media)
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Characters : Archangel of punishment
Team : LIGHT

Hello all! First time here!
For this concept I decide to make an illustration showing that you can also feel "fear" from the light side.

The keywords I used to design this character where divine, torture, thorns, blind, one arm. I try to start this post with a finished first look and start to polish this design with all your help! So please give me all the advice you can!

More information about the character:
The archangel of punishment has the job of torture those who betry the high heavens.

Long time ago she was caught as traitor and as a punishment she lost their wings, but to show her repentance she also cut her arm off. The high commands believe in her and decide to give her the title of "archangel of punishment" and her new job as a torturer.
Her new wings are made with the feathers of angels she had to punish, so she will never forget anyone's sins and the names of those who had to go through the same as her.

Starting with shapes

Serching ideas in the shapes

Cleaning and trying how colors could work

I stil dont decide what kind of weapon i want her to have.

I still have a lot to do! but i will love to hear all your ideas and opinions!

Cool character, the middle one is the most recognizable that fits the character in the same mood with the weapon.

Hey @racnos thanks for stopping by, I really like the way you are going with all the shape exploration. On top of that would be great to see a concept sheet for the weapon if that is your cup of tea. I'll keep an eye around a best of lucks mate!

Hey, really nice concepts! Those weapons are so cool, and I really love her intimidating expression.

Great concepts! She reminds me of Lady Justice with her blinded eyes, which really suits her role. Looking forward to see how you will portray her in your final images!

Hey racnos, i like the concept and the idea you got in this design! i alos like the connection with the spikes, on the headpiece and on the wings, its always good to repeat a design on a character so that it doesnt look random! my only thought on this is, the wings, can she fly? if yes how? if no, i would suggest to maybe resize some of them that it doesnt look symetrical but keep the balancing! just that the viewer gets a clear vision what the wings are for :wink:
cheers :smile:

thanks @stefankoidl ! No, she cant fly! The wings are decoative

I was thinking that if she collect the feathers of other angels those feathers can have like a little chain with the names of the previous owners.
Here is a little update with the idea!

I really like the chains, they add that detail that I think the character needed. :smile:

Also, i made this for fun this morning! what if the champion is a concept for a League champion? just some clunky gifs !

New pose! And colors! I still dont know what colors to use, I want to go with some sacred-gold stuff. Will serch for references later! i wont be able to update for few days. Have a nice end of the year all!

I think all the colors suit your character except the greens but I'm sure you can find good colors if you go to ArtStation from similar characters :smile: