Whoah! She looks great already! Can not wait to see more :smile:

Here's a sketch of one of the face ideas I'm working on for this character.

I love the fact that while we've seen skeleton enemies before, I can't recall seeing one that clearly reads as female. Nice job on that, and very original! I also really like the head you posted. Great expression and personality. Is that in place of the skull, or are you somehow going to show both?
Great work, and good luck with the rest! :+1:

Thank you for stopping by to look and for your kind words . I'm still planning to keep the face a skeletal but trying some iterations. Maybe she uses dark magic to take on a fleshly form. Suggestions are welcome at this point.

1 month later

Hey guys. I'm considering taking my character in a totally different direction and making a light side old warrior hero. Although it's not an exact likeness, I followed my photo references more closely than intended for this sketch. I don't plan on using any known person's likeness for my final character. This is just a starting point.