Name: Roger Perez
Twitter: @RogerPerez3D
Fabebook: RogerPerez3D
Instagram: Roger_Perez_3D

Alrighty, I decided to join again this year because I had a blast on the last one. I'm going with a futuristic female soldier of sorts. Most likely with some exaggerated proportions, chunky and with and Overwatch-ish shader/style.

Here is a quick mood board to get some ideas rolling.


Nice too see you again. Look forward to further updates.

Thanks Malcom, Glad to be back!

First rough concept sculpt

Great start, the face is really nice....

I dig the bulkiness you are going for Natasha here @RogerP You looking at Zarya from Overwatch too? I think there are a few things you can get with her as well. Looking forward to seeing how she comes together.

Good to see you join again. Nice Start :smile:

@brohmyr Thanks dude! Yeah I'm looking at her for some inspiration for sure :smiley:

@Zerraze Yes Sir! Couldn't help my self.

Small Update!

Lookin slick. I like your play on materials with her costume.

Looking very nice!

Thanks for the comments everyone.

Here's a quick block out of her sidearm, I'll add the small details in Substance.

Working on her main Weapon