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Hi everyone!

I'm really excited to be joining the ARTWAR contest this year! Just like last year, I'm loving the theme so this should be really fun to work on. I haven't had any opportunity to work over the holidays, but I was finally able to start sketching on my silly concept. :smile:

The idea I have is of a dainty lil summoner/necromancer, small and delicate but very deadly. :mouse:

The concept is obviously not fully fleshed out yet, but I am thinking something similar to this visually:

I like both the idea of flowing hair and poofy curls, but I'll decide when I'm working on the model what to go for. As long as it's ridiculous in volume. :smiley:

11 days later

I haven’t had too much opportunity to work on my entry, sadly, but hopefully that will change. I’ve doodled a bit more on her concept and let the idea simmer for a bit in my mind. I could definitely get better at this stuff :smiley:
I started working on the basemesh for her, but it’s still in the very early stages. Here’s a quick poly paint on the face and some doodling on a zbrush screen grab.

I am going for a highly stylised look with ridiculous proportions. I want her to stay petite, but with exaggerated curves all around. Hopefully I can get a bit closer to the desired look tomorrow.

I'm having the greatest of luck and my tablet at home isn't working properly. I suspect it's the pen, so I'll be getting a new one asap. In the meantime, I've had a little time to work on my entry at the office.

I worked a little on the anatomy, trying to figure out the proportions I want. It still needs a lot of work, though.

I also started blocking in the clothing very roughly.

Hopefully I can update a little more often once I have a working drawing tablet at home. :smile:

8 days later

Finally fixed my tablet issue :smiley: I played around a bit with the shapes today and continued blocking things out. I also tweaked her face a little and gave her some teeth and a huge overbite. :3 The anatomy still needs a lot of work.

I will work some more on this tomorrow and in the weekend for sure now that I can!

Worked a little more on this today. I am super bad at figuring out how I want stuff, so I am mostly just messing about with the move tool. :expressionless: I experimented a bit with colours also, but not really sure about how I want things yet. I need to push the theme more towards either light or dark, I feel. It's way too neutral atm. Bleh.