Sorry for the late reply, holidays and gotten ill and stuff haha ...
It's a she :smiley: hence the name. I think i will do it PBR, but googling my eyes for a nice printed sculpt setup, bc the winner will be 3D printed right :smile:
I'm not sure yet, but fit again to work a bit more on them.
I also still have to optimize the design here and there. Stay tuned and thanks for the interest !!

An update will come soon! :smiley:

little update. really having fun on this character. still changing alot of things on the go..

ok ok, you win :smile:

soo i tried some poses, but they don't look too good with the overall design. That's why I completely wrap my head around some design and proportion decisions. Maybe I will go back to 2D for a while just to sketch some parts better out. and plan the poses better, because that needs to be rad right :smiley: ?


Super cute with a touch of anime?

@Cybuster89 I think they can add in "see through", pieces if parts are separated, idk though I was at the very beginning of fabrication / 3D printing, back in the wii days, things def changed since then.

i look forward to more especially what you do with the fish head back there. :wink:

got a little time working on it again. put on some rough colors and blocked out the new Blibb or Blibb's Mother..

@zyp there is the fish ! haha . yea asia influenced for sure, but also by Alexandre Zedig Diboine.

I mean, I was originally going to make a low poly but since its going to be 3D printed, I don't think I need to do that, idk...I'd have to see how far I get. :confounded:

The see through part fer sure won't be a problem since they can probably print a separate piece using see through filament.

yea gor for it :smiley:
and for the see through part, I think they will use transparent resin material and blend it later with paint.

decided to pose her. Her left hand looks kinda stiff, will definetly spread her fingers more. Blibb will be more on the left side of her, but for now I stick with the symmetry as long as I can haha.

slowly get the design in the direction I want to. At this moment I will do a game ready model for my portfolio I think... Still so unsure about it haha :smiley:
Thanks for following my thread !
C&C welcomed btw !

This has a very spirited away/ studio ghibli kind of feel. Im digging it so far

What is the story of this gal and the fish?
The model is all covered up with accessories it is a bit comical if that is what you are going for but the items should be in a theme at least?

Is she a fish dentist? that is what i am getting for what i can make out.

Still like the style and all the stuff it just needs one direction and it's all good.

:smile: hope that helps, hope you didn't hand model the rope unless you did it quickly, I once tied shoe laces on a model with the spline tool and lmao it took a while, i literally tied it, i was like this will be easy, nope it wasn't. :blush:

@zyp totally forgot to post the rough story that I made up ! She is more like a summoner who has the ability to summon the Fishgod thingy.

Love the colors this is looking so anime(moo) :wink:

It is okay about English i had foreign friends, where we hardly could talk so it's cool with me.

Nice progress looking forward to the texture final.

20 days later