Nice! I dig it.

Dunno about those platform heels though...they don't really fit withwith the rest of her look. Maybe transition them into geta-inspired footwear instead to match the japanese influence?

@timmoreels @fantasymaster Thanks guys!

@bcbedford: Cheers man. Noted, I'll try and experiment more with the footwear.

i chose platform heels initially to get some slick leather boots on her to go with her skintight leather suit, while possibly retaining the feel of Geta footwear via the high platforms. I'm going to try and inject a more Japanese feel to it and see if it works.

very awesome! love the gold in the hair! :smile:

Just commenting so I can get updated when you update this :sunglasses: I really love this. Keep up the good work. I feel as if I should've wrote done some key points for my design.

@ybourykina Thank youu!
@malcom Thanks. Yeah! Bullet points keep things directed when the design starts to go astray.

Alright, got plenty of feedback on the overall design from several people and it looks like the main thing to push this further is to add more cultural influences on her attire.

For now I have taken some time to work on her face. Help me pick a facepaint: pick several, mix and match, suggest a new one, go nuts.

Note: I'm keeping the long hairlocks, just shortened it below to keep things easy to see

The face is looking lovely! I really like D, i think it looks like the most aggressive and tribal out of all of them

Nice! Really strong start to the facial sculpt!

So far, I'm liking E for the strong shape and slight asymmetry. G and H are also a fun way to inject kabuki makeup style into the mix. Q may also be quite strong and you might even consider adding a negative shape into the mass of red on her forehead (example :arrow_down: ).

Oh lovely makeup ! Super take on the face can't wait to see what's next !
Oh and i forgot. Really like the #D and quite also like bcbedford's suggestion.

Definitely agree with @bcbedford I think it helps give a more mystical feel to the character since it's drawing inspiration from kabuki makeup. The reason I think that this is important is because at first glance the character looked more Sci-fi (probably because of the gun) I didn't realize it was supposed to be a spell-casting gunner witch until I read the description. Anything you can do to give it more ties to the mystical and magical will help well it more as a fantasy character.

Loving your concepting process. Cant wait to see how it turns out.

I'm already in love with the concept, and it's great to see you try out many options! I really like the E and H options, and I think R without the chin stripe would be my favourite.

looking gorgeous, love the face! for the face paint, i would say, anything that keeps it simple, strengthens her theme, and keeps the attention works :smile:

awesome job, I really like the design, R face paint looks great, can't wait to see more :smile:

Thanks everybody! Looks like D and H seem most popular, D for looking fierce, and H for subtlety. O, R and E following closely behind. Will keep everyone's suggestions regardless.

@bcbedford Thanks mate. For sure was looking at kabuki make up when i made those. Didn't consider negative shapes at all yet, so I'm definitely going to experiment with that.

@alemja I see! Now that I look at it, I do think the gun silhouette I have on my sketch looks very angular and modern. Will most likely revamp the look and make it more gothic/steampunk as to not mislead anyone. Cheers for the feedback.

Excellent work!! her face is very beautiful, I really like D and Q, The concept you have for the costume is great too. keep up the good work :smiley:

that's gonna be awesome^^

Great concept and character
I would combíne facepaint E;F;H