It's been a short while! I'm not good at keeping on top of these sorts of things D: so unfortunately, this is going to be a long one. Sorry in advance, but also thanks in advance
My eyes are hurting (from a day staring at computers without my glasses), and I'm also feeling a little stuck, so I wanted to make this post.
I don't quite know where to go next - I want to use my morning drawing sessions to go over the stuff I've done to keep that practised, but I'm not sure where to go in my evening drawing sessions. I don't know when is an appropriate time to move onto the next bit, nor where to go. I do get that fear that I'm not good enough at the stuff I have done, but don't want to burn out by only focusing on those sections until I'm a master of them
I took the advice of @dangras-almeida with a lot more ease than I expected and was a lot more proud of my gesture drawings - also, the compliment made me feel so much more pumped. There's something to a 'stranger' giving you compliments that makes it all that more special, so thanks; you helped strengthen my motivation.
Here's my 4th/5th day's work:
I'm still going for a minute, but the proportions here were so much better. I don't know what changed, either way, i'm crediting
@dangras-almeida for assisting with this improvement.
My iPad attempt however, is not as good:

I'm putting this down to difference in hardware; I may need to adjust the pressure curve for opacity to suit me better - I still need experience with pressure controlled size jitter. It might be my pickiness though.
I am able to draw a lot more, I've got about an hour before I start work, and then all night when I'm back. My only issue now is getting out the tablet to actually start. So i'm hoping to improve a little faster and actually make some 'non-studying' art 
I also tried out figure drawing from an image - i've done it before in my sketchbook and was a little successful.
It's not perfect, but it's definitely a start. Using my pen to measure, I was pretty accurate with the height of the figure - I drew the lines in afterwards to help me remember where the splits were. I originally squashed the figure a bit too much horizontally, so I may need to work on that a bit more. But I dragged the outline over the image to correct myself, which resulted in the above.
I have to say, aphantasia makes it difficult to use this method without drawing lines over the image. I can't remember where the line should go after I've made my measurement as I can't visualise it on the canvas - but I do feel that this won't help me in the long term.
I also have an issue with certain body curves, mainly the buttocks and breasts. It took many attempts before I left it alone. I do plan to focus specifically on the areas I struggle when i'm happy with my understanding of proportions, so that will fix this 'issue'.
I did however, doodle a couple of figures (from imagination) at work and was incredibly impressed by what I'd drawn. It's weird seeing actual progress.
Sorry this was so long - I do massively appreciate the time taken to give me some advice, and I thank you for helping me with this journey