Hi everyone :wave:

Quick bio: I've been 46 times around the sun, but my inner-child is younger than my three sons. I've been drawing all my life and have recently picked it up again, this time for real.

Like most of you, I'm always full of ideas and have too little time. During last X-mas I took a few extra weeks off to write character sheets and a screenplay for a graphic novel I'm currently making. I'm working on the concept art and need to seriously improve my game.

I've been binge watching Marc's YT video's and now decided to join the party here.

A few of my noteworthy artworks:

This is early work all pencils, inks and markers

Then I started doing iso pixel art for my community collaboration PixelDam.

Any my current art:

Sooo here is the first batch of assignments from Term 1 (I skipped the PS basics training as I worked with photoshop daily as visual designer for work)

Sources files for the combining pictures


(yes, I :heart: Alpacas)

Nude figure and gesture drawing

First practice cylinders

Then trace the shapes

The reference the pose in shapes

This was fun: 30sec and 60 sec gesture drawing.. tough!

And finally the proportions practice

Perspective! I love this :smile:

OK I could have done more cubes, but I wanted to start on the room asap :wink:

I was well on my way before I read " from your house..." so yeah, this in not exactly in my house .. ahem

For the 2 point perspective I worked some more on this older freighter to show off my skillz (started in Procreate on iPad, continued in Photoshop)

Thnaks for watching and very eager to hear your feedbacks, allll of them :smile:

hey barry! happy to have you onboard in the art school forum! I really liked your perspective assignment with the little bonsai tree :smile:

Welcome on the Forums Barry!
Looking forward to learn together with you! :raised_hands:
Great work on the assignements!

Hey Barry!

Welcome to ArtSchool! I hope you have a good time and enjoy the program.
Super amazing stuff so far! The scifi 1p perspective is turning out super cool as well :smile:

Feel free to join us over the discord server chat: https://discord.gg/8Wkpwq5y
Things are a bit more active there (for both feedback and interaction).

Looking forward to your next pieces!

Heading there right away :smile: