@dramilion Thanks! haha. Yeah, in my head I wanted to draw a cannibal. I'm tying to build out a world full of high adventure, and these are some of the dudes you might run into if you get lost! haha
Here is a Valasquez study I'm not super proud of.
And an update on the cannibal
I agree with @dramilion!
-Still enjoying and watching your blog -
@dramilion I guess it just wasn't accurate enough. Looking at it away from the reference I guess it's ok haha. For the cannibal dude, I think I'll keep fleshing him out, drawing a few more variations. I sort of like the pose, but yeah it is a bit stiff (a common problem for me).
@enalya Thank you!!
@jodza21 Thanks!!
Here are some sketches and a study.
Some kind of potion merchant. Not super happy with this one, but oh well.
Lunch sketch from today. Supposed to be a sith lord. The idea is he got hit head cut off, but kept it on with the force until they could attach it back properly.
And here is a little study I did this morning before work.
Thanks for looking y'all!
I really like how you construct your characters (especially the hands on some sketches looks nice "3D-lineart"). I like the most - potion guy and man with a pistol from earlier post. It's really fresh looking how they're drawn, even that there are overlapping lines, but these are good overlapping lines that don't end with messy lines. If you would apply later similar values to your new pieces as from the first post (those thumbnails), I think it would look even better. I'm looking forward to your new art pieces, stay motivated ! Cheers
@epcmattos Thanks!
@slashy Thank you! I enjoy doing line work mostly. But I'll try to color one of my sketches soon.
@dramilion Thanks! Yeah, I think with some tweaks I might be able to keep the pose but make it look less stiff. That's the hope anyway haha!
Here is a little sketch from this morning. Inspired by Anthony Jones.
@dramilion Thanks! It's an original design, just in the style of Anthony Jones haha. I just got his book. 😇
Ended up working on it a little more. Now to stop being lazy and draw the hands
I really like the last one and it's already looking great, but I've got a suggestion what you could maybe try to do, to make it even better. I would try to work more on the silhouette from his belt down to the bottom of the picure, because now it's a little bit radial symmetrical (kinda remind me of church bell silhouette) - break it a little bit here and there plus I would pump drapery a little to make it pop just a bit more. But as I said earlier, it's already looking great and you have nice values in this piece. Keep rockin'
hmmm, I think the design can be improved if you repeat certain patterns instead of always coming with "something new". What I mean is that, for example you have a really strong kind of helmet design, but it won't be as effective if you just stop in the head, for a better design you want to repeat patterns in your drawing, so, your helmet is a pretty good choice if you want to keep that strong design more than just in the face. And what I mean for "something new" is that I see at least four elements that visually represent your character.
1st. The mask or the helmet thingy.
2nd. The cloak.
3rd. The armguards, neck thing and possibly the belt? (I think they match)
4th. That thing below the belt.
So what you want to do here is develop each design element so you can "spread" it in the character, and therefore having a better and effective design that doesn't look like a mix of random design elements. (I'm not saying it is but if you keep adding elements to the drawing without having that in mind, then it will suddenly become a frankenstein design very hard to look at)
Here you can see I'm using the helmet design for his shoulder thing, and I suck at painting metal so I left it there. But you can keep developing those design elements in a much more better and creative way than what I did, that was just a cheap example. Also, the messy purple line is where you could place stuff, is just a "blank space", and you could use that part in your advantage.
I painted a few things too so you can see that you need a bit more of contrast, specially in the torax and arms. That's all I could help with ^^
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@slashy Thank you for the crit!! I really appreciate it! Good thoughts!
@dramilion THANK YOU! Thanks for taking the time to upload your crit. I really appreciate it!
And here is a shit drawing that people at work seem to like...
@achronic Thanks! I'm trying to be active in drawing and posting.
Here is a lunch sketch from today. And the first stages of trying to finish this lion dude!
No clue what I'm doing, but it will be an adventure!