Good work on the line-art!

Using thin lines feels weird because thicker lines tend to hide mistakes. As students, we should aim for thin lines because they require confidence and more attention to detail to suggest volume. Keep at it, I promise that when the thing is finished, the sketch will look crude in comparison to the final line-art :smile:

Thank you so much!!

I actually really like thick lineart because of the line weight variance that you can get. Since starting to make comics this year, I've been leaning a little bit more on thin lines. It's funny because I feel like you can get away with more having thin lines, since they're less noticeable when coloured. I dunno. Thinner lines are definitely making me more conscious about proportions though! In hindsight, I think using thicker lines made me make the features of my faces, such as eyes and noses a lot bigger than they really should be, because I simply couldn't achieve enough detail with the right sized features. Ahh I've been doing art for so long and yet I have so far to go. It's an exciting, albeit occasionally irritating journey haha.

Day 7 of gestures was a failure D:<

First, half way though my 30 second gestures, my drawing program decided to do this thing where it basically freezes until I reboot it. So, I restarted it and decided to start from scratch. Ok, take 2. Now, usually no-one messages me on my phone, so I don't put it on full silent, just a buzz. Well, someone I barely know started spamming me with messages. That sort of repetitive, intermittent buzzing really stresses me out. I guess it's like a sort of sensory overload. I paused the Quickposes timer thing and turned my phone onto silent. I continued with my gestures, although I was just feeling annoyed at that point. I did more gestures and then my stepdad starts calling me because he wants to play on my Nintendo Switch. That's fine, but like WORLD GIMME A BREAK I JUST WANNA PRACTICE MY ART!! Even worse was, I guess I forgot to press pause, so I lost my place with the poses.
Ehh, I guess the world is telling me to get on with comic work because I have deadlines coming up.

Anyway, here are my wonky 30 second gestures. They look so bad. I guess this just proves that you need a calm work environment to work well.

I totally understand what you are saying. And you already got it: when practicing, try to get a "disturbance-free environment" mas much as you can. This way you can progress with no one disturbing you and you will feel less annoyed or stressed, which will definitely have an impact on the pieces you are making.

What usually works for me is to practice in a time where everyone is sleeping (I wake up very early 😅)

In any case, keep up the amazing work!


Do you have any tips for waking up really early? I usually sleep through multiple alarms :')

Day 9!
Wanted to finish chapter 2 (which I didn't even end up doing.. Things were taking a lot longer than I had estimated) of my comic today, so I only had time for 30 second gestures, at least I'm being semi consistent though :smiley:

After tomorrow, which is when I WILL finish chapter 2, I'm taking a week's break from working for the comic (Which is taking priority at the moment since it's for a competition with a deadline) which means that I can actually focus on some of the proper assignments for the lessons. I'm very excited!

Also here's a really messy doodle that I did today too! It's of my OC Lucien from my (non competition) webcomic, Fragments!

I've been taking a break from anything too intensive, art wise this week because I felt myself burning out while making chapter 2 of my competition webcomic and I didn't want to burn myself out before chapter 3! (Chapter 2 is here!
So this week I've just done one and a half pages for my personal webcomic as well as some crafts and I sketched my friend while we were at the park and stuff.

Today I did do a little 30 minute study of my friend's dog, because it was the dog's 9th birthday! Here it is <3

2 months later

Hello guys!
Long time no post! If I'm being honest, it's been a combination of being busy and completely forgetting that the forum existed ahah. Anyway, I hope to be more consistent from now on.

Let's see... I've made so much art since I was last here. I completed mine and 0BecomingX's comic Superpose Soldier, so here's a link to that. It's over 100 panels and I'm honestly still feeling a little burnt out over it ahah.

I did 25 pieces of artwork for people on Art Fight in July and the start of August. Here are a few of my faves :smiley:

Here's a couple of quick landscape studies which I did a while back too.

And finally some measured figure drawings for Term 1!

Onto perspective next! I'm both excited and nervous because I feel like perspective is very easy to mess up and I'm really not very experienced, but I'll only become experienced if I actually do it!! So, get ready for some bad, but hopefully improving figure drawings ahaha

Still can't get over how well you nailed the stomach-ribs curve on the last anatomy study. That's awesome work. Maybe the ear is too small? (I'm nitpicking here, since you did everything so well.)
Can I just say that you did some creative censoring here :joy: