Day 3 of digital gestures!
Although I've been doing gestures on and off for a couple years now, what Marc said about how the poses need to feel grounded has really helped a lot! I try to put feet in on every pose now, although sometimes in the images, the feet aren't visible. so then I don't. I've also been trying to focus a lot more on the pose itself before building up the form, which creates much less complete looking drawings, but I think there's a lot more to be learned this way.
Unfortunately I'm still busy with commitments to other art projects, so I can't get through assignments very quickly, but I figured that just doing 30 mins of gestures every day can't hurt!
Anyways, here are my gestures! I'm more happy with them than yesterday and I also made a photo set, so that I can track my progress on the specific photos, which is exciting!