Hello hello! I joined at the end of August but have just got around to making this. Having learned a LOT from Marc's YouTube tutorials, I thought I would definitely benefit from signing up to a more formalised learning programme. I've been doing art since I was little, but was always 'self taught' in a very non-methodical way. Drawing from references and life drawing are both techniques I didn't practice before that have BLOWN MY MIND this past year.

Bosco Heron isn't my real name, but it is unusual enough that I've been able to claim it on all platforms:
[By the way, if anyone can explain the llama badge thing on Deviantart, I'll be eternally in your debt].

Below will be posts of where I was when I started, then records of the stuff I've done for the tasks for ART School.

Here's where I was mid-August before discovering Marc's channel on YouTube. Previous reference artist was mostly https://www.instagram.com/thisuserisalive

I just finished this, based on a few YT and ARTSchool videos. I'm actually really proud of it, but I'm sure I'll look at it in a month's time and think it's garbage.

Here's what I've got for assignment 1 so far. As you can see, I struggled a bit with the last image. If you have any guidance, I'd actually appreciate it a lot.

Hi! So I can't explain the llama badge thing... but I do have some feedback on your art haha XD And wow, it is kinda interesting that you could claim your screenname everywhere O: I guess it's not as common as it looks?

Anyway, I'm not sure what kind of hardware you're using... but for your lines, I recommend drawing a little faster, in order to get the nice smooth lines O: You get the jittery lines if you draw really slowly... so I'm not if that's what you did, but that's what it looks like to me. The green lines look more confident than your black lines, so yeah! I'd say it just a few more tries to get the confidence down :]

As for the color adjustment images, I'd say you need to push for more reds/magenta in your adjustments? And maybe a little more green too (but only a liiiiiiittle). Other than that, they look great! :]

All in all, I'd say you're doing a good job! I hope my feedback is clear/helps a little... good luck on your art journey! :smiley:

Looking forward to seeing your work progress.

Thank you! While I was doing this, I realised that I'm really awful at picking up greens and yellows specifically, which I hope is my monitor and not my actual eyeballs. I'll have another go at the adjustments for sure. Pen control is just going to take practice! Cheers, Lin!

3 months later

I've been going through the terms very slowly as I've had a few personal projects to pursue as well. Here is my attempt at 3-point perspective. I really struggled a lot with this, which surprised me, but feel a bit more confident with it now. Need more practice!

Looks great!
I just don't get where the ball (in front of the broken pillar) was coming from? :smile:

It was supposed to be a column topper, but I don't think that's very clear. In fact, I don't like that broken column at all, but I can't figure out how to fix it!

I like the broken pillar, not totally sure about the perspective though :smile: