Day 16: Coin
Tsukitsuba Ginko from Isekai Samurai

Day 17-Elixir
Let me pour you a glass of this exquisite elixir. And do not worry. It is completely safe to drink. I have no idea why you would even entertain the idea that it wouldn't be. There's no danger whatsoever in consuming this wonderful beverage. That would be completely ridiculous. So will you have a taste or not?

Day 18-Teeth
Sometimes I feel shy smiling because of my crooked teeth.

Day 19: Shadow
"In order to defeat Emperor Garuda, two shadows appear.
"Ninja" they are called." (Blue Shadow / Shadow of the Ninja, NES)

Behold! The one and only water spirit in all its might and glory!

Day 20-Spirit
Gouache, ink and watercolor colored pencils on paper

Day 21: Skull
Sterling LaVaughn / Arbin Gordon / The Skull (F-Zero)
The Greatest driver of F-MAX, The Skull resurrected himself in order to take part in F-Zero.

Day 21-Skull
Watercolor colored pencils and white gouache on paper

Day 22-Stripe
Watercolor colored pencils and white gouache on paper

Day 23: Shell
Michaelangelo from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Day 23-Shell
Goauche and colored pencils on paper

Day 24-Seed
Gouache and white charcoal on paper

Day 25-Smile
Watercolor pencils on paper

Day 26-Horn
Gouache and watercolor pencils on paper