Day 19: Shadow
"In order to defeat Emperor Garuda, two shadows appear.
"Ninja" they are called." (Blue Shadow / Shadow of the Ninja, NES)

Behold! The one and only water spirit in all its might and glory!

Day 20-Spirit
Gouache, ink and watercolor colored pencils on paper

Day 21: Skull
Sterling LaVaughn / Arbin Gordon / The Skull (F-Zero)
The Greatest driver of F-MAX, The Skull resurrected himself in order to take part in F-Zero.

Day 21-Skull
Watercolor colored pencils and white gouache on paper

Day 22-Stripe
Watercolor colored pencils and white gouache on paper

Day 23: Shell
Michaelangelo from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Day 23-Shell
Goauche and colored pencils on paper

Day 24-Seed
Gouache and white charcoal on paper

Day 25-Smile
Watercolor pencils on paper

Day 26-Horn
Gouache and watercolor pencils on paper

Day 28-Ring
Gouache on paper

Day 29: Mask
Witch Regret from Edens Zero

Day 29-Mask
Gouache, colored pencils, acrylic paint, acrylic ink and pen on paper

I'm getting a bit experimental here. Not sure if I like it, but do I find it a bit funny. So there's that at least!