9 days later

Hey guys, long time since i updated you, but here is my first try to combine all the things I learned over the past weeks and do a realistic head with a reference. I mostly wanted to use a reference for being more accurate with the lighting and structure of the face. I am really proud of the result.

Any criticism is appreciated :smile:

I will be moving on to the next subject perspective 2.

1 month later

i am back on the grind. I have studied here and there but I haven't done as much as I wanted. So I am gonna try to post my daily studies here and get back to it. Today I wanted to challenge myself and do some crazy clothing, which turned out to look really good. Also tried to improve my style a bit.

Also I followed Mark's lesson on anatomy and put mussels on real skeleton. There is definitely room for improvements and not everything is 100% correct, but with a bit more study I can get it to look accurate

Hey CartoonChaser, it is great to see your progress so far, especially with the gesture drawings. I am excited to see where you'll go from here. Your style is quite cool.

12 days later

Studies for today.

Also some drawing of a clown

Loved how the baseball player turned out! So cool! 😍😍😍

9 days later

UPDATE: i have been studying a lot this week, putting in 10 hours a day to studies and I can now see a lot of improvement. I start my day with gesture drawing and then do 1-3 h poses to study anatomy and at the end of the day, I do a bunch of faces that I find on Pinterest. I have found that drawing faces without the Loomis method gets me drawing better faces, I know what correct anatomy for the face is so placing face parts is easier. i will probably dump all the other studies here soon, but here is what I was able to do today. This is still from a photo reference, but I didn't have to compare it to the image to know what is good and whats not and I am really happy with the result and I actually had a lot of fun.

10 days later

26 days later

Hey CartoonChaser!

Drawings aside, I'd like to ask about another technical aspect of your work - is it possible you draw using your wrist rather than your entire arm?

I feel like your drawings could take an entirely new quality if you took a few minutes to re-trace your line art with clean lines prior to coloring. Try drawing with sweeping lines, moving your entire elbow, and have two fingers on ctrl+Z to try again as many times as necessary until you get the line right.

I took 3 minutes to re-trace one of your characters with clean lines, and I do feel this is the next step you could take to bring your work to "pro" level! Scribbly, uncertain lines are really holding your artwork back at the moment. It's okay for sketching, but it would not hurt to give this a try :smile:


hey thank you for the tip, i don't usually draw from the wrist as of recently, but as this was planed to be some quick sketched i didn't really care for the lines, but more for the whole structure and getting better at drawing faces. Tbh I like unclean lines more and I don't know why, but they are a bit more natural to me. But yeah this is rougher than I usually do. Thanks for taking the time to reply btw, i love your work

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