Hey! Great work there! there's already great improvement from November! and it seems you already have a style you are comfortable working with!
Shading is pretty nice overall, though there is some area for improvement that I think you'll see once you get deeper into the terms. With colors for example, the color used for shading needs a tint to it, more so than just making the base color darker.
It's a bit early though, a lot of this will be addresses with some of the topics from the first terms, but you already have a very strong basis here!
Love the lighting in the blue haired girl looking out the window.
Perspective also looks well done! I see there's also some line weight applies to reinforce the perspective, such as the lightbulbs vs the furniture at the back, or finer lines for details. Perhaps just a bit more curves at corners to smooth out some elements in the image?
Looking forward to more works!