I am CHOGIYO. I am 22 and work as a nurse.
Apart from my other hobbies of Long-distance running and Video games I have decided to set a goal of being able to draw what I want to a quality in which I am satisfied with.

With zero art experience, I have decided to join Marc's Art School mid-last year to learn how to draw.
Unfortunately, after a month of learning to draw, I quit due to circumstances.
Having returned to the art pursuit in late Feb this year, I hope I can continue to try my best to improve.

I intend to use this digital space to post my assignments and drawings in order to track my progress.

Let us treat each other well.

June 21 - 2022/ First "Finished" drawing I made.

June 23 - 2022/ Practice

June 24 - 2022/ Drawing for fun

July 2 - 2022/ Focusing on angles + Proportion

July 2 - 2022/ More Practice

July 4 - 2022/ Guided gesture practice with ReiQ

July 8 - 2022/ Attempting to break down what I see in the reference and drawing it.

July 31 - 2022/ Drawing what I saw. (Also the last drawing I did before I quitw)

February 28 - 2023/ Focus on geometrization + proportion (First drawing upon returning to art)

March 9+10 - 2023/ Gesture practice (Combination of 30s + 2min poses) Some loomis heads.

March 14 - 2023/ Very first portrait drawing.

March 23-26 - 2023/ Gesture Practice (Combination of 30s, 2min, 5min)

March 30 - 2023/ Female proportion. 1st attempt (Using reference heavily)

March 31 - 2023/ I got bored whilst working on Term 1 figure drawing exercises. Decided to have fun.

Welcome aboard!

Looking good so far, noting some anime vibes