I am CHOGIYO. I am 22 and work as a nurse.
Apart from my other hobbies of Long-distance running and Video games I have decided to set a goal of being able to draw what I want to a quality in which I am satisfied with.

With zero art experience, I have decided to join Marc's Art School mid-last year to learn how to draw.
Unfortunately, after a month of learning to draw, I quit due to circumstances.
Having returned to the art pursuit in late Feb this year, I hope I can continue to try my best to improve.

I intend to use this digital space to post my assignments and drawings in order to track my progress.

Let us treat each other well.

June 21 - 2022/ First "Finished" drawing I made.

June 23 - 2022/ Practice

June 24 - 2022/ Drawing for fun

July 2 - 2022/ Focusing on angles + Proportion

July 2 - 2022/ More Practice

July 4 - 2022/ Guided gesture practice with ReiQ

July 8 - 2022/ Attempting to break down what I see in the reference and drawing it.

July 31 - 2022/ Drawing what I saw. (Also the last drawing I did before I quitw)

February 28 - 2023/ Focus on geometrization + proportion (First drawing upon returning to art)

March 9+10 - 2023/ Gesture practice (Combination of 30s + 2min poses) Some loomis heads.

March 14 - 2023/ Very first portrait drawing.

March 23-26 - 2023/ Gesture Practice (Combination of 30s, 2min, 5min)

March 30 - 2023/ Female proportion. 1st attempt (Using reference heavily)

March 31 - 2023/ I got bored whilst working on Term 1 figure drawing exercises. Decided to have fun.

Welcome aboard!

Looking good so far, noting some anime vibes

Welcome to the Journey. I just want to say that you mention in one of your pictures that "this was the last drawing before I quit."
When you do something and then stop, then do it again just at a later date, that is not quitting. You never quit, you took a break.
It's ok to fail and then try again, but when you stop trying, that's when you have quit.

I stopped doing art 25+ years ago.. did I quit? Nah, I've always loved art and drawing and years later I'm trying again. Just remember that. Quitting is NEVER trying again.

Thank you for your inspiring words!
Back then I was often frustrated about making mistakes, terrible drawings etc.
That mindset lead me to taking a long break.
I am learning to enjoy the process and have come to realise that without mistakes and failures, there is no learning.
This time, I hope to continue to try my best until I reach my goals,
Have a good one mate!

April 2 - 2023 / Term 1 Week 2
Daily assignments:
Pen control:
Note: I need to continue to practice this. I am not accustomed to using my shoulder to draw ggs.

Drawing a page of cylinders:
Note: the most fun I had today! Cope

Drawing Skeletons:
Note: Some of the limbs were hard for me to determine whether they were moving towards the foreground or background.

Extra Art: Sketch
Note: I found a reference pose that I really liked. I decided to have fun with it.

April 4 - 2023 / Term 1 Week 2
Daily assignments:
Pen Control:
Note: More practice needed.

Drawing Skeletons:

Weekly assignment:
Image Adjustments:
For exercise 2, I made the shadows in the water too bright.
Exercise 4 - I struggled hard. I couldn't find a way to make the background to match. I will continue to work on this exercise until I understand it well.

Extra Art: Gesture drawings / 3rd + 4th April (mixture of 30s, 1min, 2min)
Note: I still struggle sometimes to finish the gesture within 30s. Some remained unfinished.

Very nice studies!, Though if you find yourself sometimes struggling with gesture drawing, don't feel ashamed in adding an extra 15 seconds or so.
Keep grinding that sweet Art EXP!.