Hello there other ArtSchoolers :sparkles:!

My name is Mertixell aka @choixee and I'm so excited to finally be here writing my first post! Tbh, I bought this course like a year ago or so but I didn't manage to work on it on a constant way so I ended up quitting and forgetting about it... BUT! I've grown stronger and determinated so here I am again, this time for real :muscle:!

My goal is to become a full time artist, specialized in character design and concept art and, of course, to get a job in the videogame industry. Lately, I've been working on some small art related jobs and they get my art study motivation back, so now I just want to boost all my knowledge and skills!

And I think that's all for the moment. I'm also posting one of my recent artwork in order to redraw it when I finish term 10 to compare my process! Can't wait to start learning with all of you, please don't hesitate to constructively criticize me, both my art and my English (I'm not an English native speaker), so we can improve together!

Nice to meet you all :wave:!




welcome @choixee.

I find a good way to stay motivated is to work on pieces you like and to post something online on a regular basis, even if its just progress.

Nice piece, cant wait to see more. :smiley:

Thanks @HANDRO!

I'll take that! I'm gonna try to upload all the assignments and some extra practice or just some sketches done for fun. Uploading unfinished art is the harder thing to do for me, so I'll do my best on this topic and try to lose a bit the fear hahahaha.

Glad u like my fairy :blush:!

Nude Figure Drawing - Assignments 3 & 4

10 skeletons drawn over photos

Same 10 skeletons but without the pictures below to see how they look like!

The 5 skeletons based on photo references

The same 5 skeletons but placed on top of the references to compare the results and see what I have done wrong. I'm proud of how this turned out because although there are some mistakes i did it better than I thought. Spending hours trying to understand how the joints and the overall body works has been worth it!

EDIT: I just realized I forgot to draw the heads on the first 10 hahahaha! Pls don't kill me :sweat: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

.. like you killed them? Poor headless ones :wink:
There are some parts that seem to be off (just my point of view). Like the upper leg of the "mermaid" lady below and the pelvis of the archer guy.
But this is a very good practice overall :smile:

Yep, I've killed them merciless but it was totally unintentional, I swear it :scream: :joy:!

Totally! The legs of the man looking the sky and the right arm and leg of the girl jumping also seems to be off :see_no_evil:

Thanks!! :flushed:

Nude Figure Drawing - Assignments 5, 6 & 7

My approach to female and male proportions! I've usually draw them a little less stylized, like 7 head at most, so i can't help seeing the torsos super long, especially the female one :sweat_smile:

Time for some gesture drawing! Those aren't the first ones I did, I've spent like a week doing it every day before drawing anything else and I'm starting to see some progress!

30 seconds

1 minute

And last, the pose copy using measuring tools. I swear this kind of exercises freaking destroys my brain, the poor thing has to think and that hurts :sob: