1 month later

Still putting in work. Currently detoured into working on faces / portrait work from term2's anatomy lesson...

From yesterday (not finished but as far as I'm taking it)

1 year later

It has been a while. Going to try to get back in the habit of regularly posting. Here is my latest project. Always open to critique / things to improve on.

Welcome back!
Dang, that's an intense painting! Pretty cool pose and color scheme. The fabric folds look real good :+1:
I think where the hat meets the head could use some defining. Might be kinda hard to do with a conical hat at that angle though - maybe painting in where the straps connect to the hat?
Overall it looks badass!

thank you for your time Grant. I picked up Aaron Blaise' course on Fabric/folds a while back and it really helped me with them.
Yeah I did sort of just lose the hat/hair in shadow, mainly because I didn't love the hat hah. I will let it sit for a few days and try to come back with a fresh view and see if I can improve it. Detailing the connection of the straps sounds like a good place to start, thanks!

Nice! I'll have to look into his stuff, I'm not familiar.
I always find it awkward with wide brimmed hats because its so easy to cover the entire face haha. You really need to plan for it with the perspective and pose and that's just something I always forget to do lol.

I've gotten fairly proficient at doing "person posing" but I definitely feel out of my comfort zone with multiple characters in the same piece (especially balancing the layout / focal points)
When I was a kid I remember being stunned at some of Larry Elmore's Dragonlance book covers, loved how he incorporated multiple characters on a relatively small area. So the plan is to do some master studies focusing on that. Going to limit the time, start with ~90 minutes and slowly get closer to an hour, just to keep me from getting too much into detailing.
First one last night. Pretty sure this was Dragons of Spring Dawning.

Second piece, 60 minutes this time. Dragon felt nicely grounded in this one.

a couple of weeks old at this point, but this was my self portrait for turning 40. Entering my Geezer arc.

Not really a big Holidays kind of guy, but for some reason wanted to get some Santa reps in.

17 days later

Working on some Frazetta sketches. Top right is my attempt at applying my study (albeit I'm no Frazetta)

10 days later

working on a lot of things here... value, anatomy, brushwork, all of them lacking for sure but overall I think it turned out pretty good for my current skill level.

Yo, looking good, you've got some really nice pieces!