added orange for the arm shape and volume. trying to keep all the color pallet for each lesson. Ive noticed as I'm out and about, or just watching anime/tv/youtube, or just browsing the internet looking at pictures that my mind is breaking down all the different points, its a little trippy but pretty fun.
Here's the cylinder practice-
Here's the over body practice-
Practicing volume poses again today. tried doing one without reference. the one in the bottom left i tried to copy the reference without being directly over top.
Also tried my hand at the next part with drawing the body proportions.
I feel like i need to work on the female more. One step at a time, progress!
A lot has happened so wasn't able to do much with art. but back at it till next weekend when another break is gunna happen. Life sucks some times...
But heres todays work-
Attempt 1- made it way to wide with the shapes, so the proportions are way off and had the wrong angle on the head and different parts.
Attempt 2- A little better closer on the correct proportions but some of the angles need to be a bit sharper.
The improvement is slow but becoming more apparent each time. One Step at a time. but I have been able to see the improvement step i take to redue and adjust how i look at things.
Nice work! Keep it up. Iterating like that over the same fogure can be very helpful, especially as you are aware of mistakes and asking yourself questions along the way and not just mindlessly stroking the canvas (which, tends to happen a lot - it’s easy to fall into the trap of just going through the motions and making it a mechanical exercise and not a mental one!)
Still Working on the proportioned poses,
here's try one for the day-
here's try 2-
The thing I realized the most as I was doing the exercize was that I wasn't putting enough of the curvature of the body to really show the correct proportions. thats why between try 1 and 2 its such a large difference in body length. This exercize is what im having the hardest time with in term 1.
Any Suggestions?
Nice one. I sometimes do both gesture and proportions study on one same figure. You can try doing the gesture in one layer, then draw the figure on top, try suggesting rather than drawing all the lines. When you do the gesture it gives a good idea of what to really emphasize with your line work
Thanks @snakker I decided to do a gesture drawing session for a quick 30 minutes, and the comparing them to the proportions ive done previousley and what a vissible difference. I'll do a gesture proportion exercise later. after i feel a bit more confident with the gesture exercize. but here it is, i did 15 at 30 seconds. 7 at 1 minute. and 3 at 2 minutes.
I used the gesture drawing app that Marc recommends in the course video. What a helpful tool.
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