Hey all!

I picked up the course a couple years ago at this point but haven't been able to make too much progress over them. I'm a full time programmer so I don't have too much time to practice but I'm trying to make an effort this year to do it more regularly :relieved: As part of that I'm starting the course over and will try to be more involved with the community to keep me more honest and as a secondary drive :smile:

I'm pursuing art mostly as a hobby, as over the past few years I've absolutely fallen in love with the arts and am a big old ttrpg nerd and it's been a dream to be able to illustrate some of our group's adventures :blush:

Welcome! I'm a full time programmer too

TTRPGs were my gateway into illustration. Larry Elmore's covers for D&D specifically. Surprisingly, I haven't done any illustrations for my groups...