My collection for finished works. They are not always perfect but at the spot where i felt it better to move on than keep polishing.


This is DinoYog0 a fan-art for a deck type from Fantasy Flight Games' excellet Netrunner.
Edited for smaller image.

This is super cool! I would say try to focus a bit more on anatomy and construction. Also, adding a bit more movement would make the drawing seem a lot more dynamic: maybe have the dino running or the wind blowing

Thanks! Now that you mention it, it does look pretty static(not supposed to). I have to start putting up WIPs to get rid of those issues. :smile:

8 days later

I am calling sandworm snacks done.

I need to practice a lot to make quicker decisions and have a stronger, more decisive brushwork.

It was a good learning experience though. Full size image at my DA page.

Its pretty far from original intended mood of quiet resignation. :grinning:

10 days later