Hail mighty adventurers, I call upon you for your aid . . . Today I present to you . . . THE CROWN OF MADNESS! . . . . . .I saaaid, THE CROWN OF MADNESS! *crickets chirp in background) . . . WHAT!?! do none of you know about the cursed crown of the FABLED mad king!?! fine, I'll give you a small rundown . . .

  • There once live a king competent and sane! ♪
    efficient he thought, Prolific in fame ♪
    with generous bouts protecting his lands! ♪
    His subjects lye first, unquizzically grande ♪
    How jealousy festered in fools like meed! ♪
    Obstructing their view, Unshakable greed ♪
    They schemed with a witch employed the devil ! ♪
    Creating a crown, proudly they reveled ♪
    Presenting the king a beautiful crown! ♪
    How graceful he thought, In madness he'd drown! ♪
    • Alright I think you all get the idea now, with that in mind how do you find my design? I took the bardic poem a bit far and now I'm kind tired lol.

Hey man nice start so far. In my opinion after reading the poem, I think having the spikes and sharp shapes work well in the design. But I do believe there's more you can add. Such as gems. Red and/or purple or green colored gems can work as a start. The king seems addicted to power. The power he has as king isn't enough and he wants more. With the mention of greed, I believe it should be reflected in the design by having things on the crown that show why he would want it over the one he has already. Just being gold and aesthetically pleasing might not be enough. Just like expensive jewelry, there needs to be a reason to have it over something that is a little or much cheaper. That needs to be reflected more in the design. The aesthetics of this new cursed crown needs to be better than the original. Maybe designing the original crown of the king can be nice as well. From there you would have a reference point of where you can make things better. Keep up the good work though man. Look forward to more.

@malcom Malcom, malcom . . . . . . what would this form do without you? after all these months you've been responding to everyone's post and inquires. You are hands down the Crit Guardian of the realm, I'm sure even the mad king would say so himself. anyways what you said was 100% right. This was actually a design for a crown for one of my college projects it was basically supposed to be built out of wood and metal so I was keeping it simple as possible. The crown was to represent my stress and it's affect on me. There's a lot much more to go and I don't have a lot of time to respond to you as I'd wish. However, Take this . . . as a symbol of my gratitude!

( The man ruffles through his tattered worn sack pulling out only what seems to be a glowing red shape, almost seeming to mimic that of a heart) . . . It is all I have to give right now... Just know that the adventures of both Cubebrush and I truly appreciate your sevices o' Guardian of the Realm!

thank you. I really appreciate it. I just here to help as best as I can. I know how much feedback can help so I always try my best to help if I can.