I'm cornebranche or cornue for friends, a self-learning illustrator and graduated graphic designer specialized in UI/UX. I like drawing characters, cool girls, color and light, horns and contemplative environnement. In the future I'D LOVE to be able to make backgrounds, put characters in an environnement and tell stories that way ...
I am in a gap year since June 2020 where I was suffuring from brun out till approximatly December I think? Now I'm feeling better but I'm having an hard time motivating myself to study fundamentals as I realise I'm a quite social person that needs a group to feel inspired and to dedicate myself to study! I really like to share and encourage others ~

Instead of reviving an old topic that's 1256 days old, I'm strating a new one!

Here's the drawing I've made this month:
Members of the party of the D&D I've been playing lately
Sereine - The character I play! She's the scholar, support of the group. A very rational character, No what I'm used to play. She dearly care about the party's healf and state of mind

Khairi - The energectic parkour boy that's thinking with his heart. He's able to do ANYTHING for a child. He's also a great polyvalent fighter.

I plan on doing the 2 others, I'm strating the 3rd one today and I'd be glad to share my progress here!

I've also strated to make experimental sketches but this one ended up being a full illustration of my persona "the lady cornebranche".

Nice to meet you! :blush:
Or see you again but I doubt anyone remembers the time I was here in 2016 :smile:

Yesterday's speed paint made in ~ 1h30
I'm traying to explore new workflows and color palette. I may have some trouble values lately and I don't know why ...

I was also inspired by a friend to try out blender and after one month of donut and cup tutorial, I now made my own thing! I can't wait to see was kind of new opportunites this technique allow!
I'm animating each week a workshop on the theme the "city of water". I told the members of the discord server to imagine a place that was important to the life of the citizen.
I made a temple of water where anyone can pray when the sun is down and collect water for their daily life during the day.

Not much practice, I was too distracted by ousides elements, I wish I was done with the video timelapse I'm working on.

Pratice of yesterday :

Speedpaint ~1h30
This is meant to be the thumbnail of a "re-draw this again" based on 2 drawings both made 2015 and 2012. I'm thinking about turning that one as a full blown illustration with a 3D base for experiment once I'm done with all the project I'm on :smile:

old redraw this again in question :

The mood is very different but my character changed a lot in 10 years!

Feet studies
I never drew feet before dans it's not bad I think. I still need to understand the deep structure of it tho ...

Sketches of my Oc Rebecca (aka cristal girl above)
Both made from imagination ... I might polish them a bit more and update the post once I'm done!

I got distracted by personal problems this week end and I didn't acheived much ...
Some male torso study I've done previously :

Each week I meet with an artist to practice on certain subjects during ~1h30

Today's study based on Masayu Uchida's style + moodboard (~1h)
I love how the raw colors and the shape are enough to convey the informations you need to understand the landscape. I'm amaing toward a simple style yet detailed? Idk where to find the balance tho- xD

8 days later

Some thumbnails done during a friend's interview

A new study! From map crunch this time

I tend to oversaturate colors and ... I do'nt know if it's a good or badd thing knowthing that it's the kind of vibrant style I'm aiming for? Should I stick strictly to copy the reference or can I take some freedoms with it?

That question is still in my mind to this day, really. I don't know if I'm taking a shortcut that way or not and it's bothering me! I beleive the main problem I have with my art is accuracy ...

No new illustration, I'm working on my webcomic episode this week! ~

Hi! I just wanted to say that I find your work very nice and I look forward to see more Keep it up! :smile:

I'm back to illustration for this week-end! My webcomic took me the whole week to finish only 1 episode ... This week-end is dedicated to fun work and relaxation.

Daily studies

I'm proud of this one : it's simple but accurate.

This week I fell on that image from the artist Min Yum and instantly fell in love with it. I'm currently working on a not-so-serious study, trying to understand why this image is good!


Illustration in progress from the previous thumbs
All the previous illustration I've made, including the webcomic were made for others. I kinda felt the need to come back and do something for myself only!

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