Are the prizes subject to taxes and regulations for international participant?

So, at the end if we don't use the marmoset viewer we have just to show our character in T pose without any kind of extra pose for the detail sheet?

I am new to this site and I may sound stupid, but I can't find the apply button.

Gonna give this a shot. Probably wont win but its worth a try even for someone that has never done character modelling xD

You go to the indicated posting section and make a new threath, in this threat you post your progress, the Idea and anwser questions of people who come in there to see what you're making.

is there a limit to the amount of characters/creatures/pets per entry?

Okay, so can we base our topics on some ancient/old mythology, would that be considered original?

I want that Yellow Star figurine!

Marc is the best, 10/10.

check the main page!

ah, no sorry man. the main thread indeed doesn't say it ( maybe now it does) but in the comment section this was also asked and anwsered with a ''no, original art only, should probally have said that'' -marc. so as you can see, that is a no and no premade pieces either, so if you are a fan of your own kitbashing you need to make a fresh batch for this contest.

Think of it as the perfect portfolio piece :smile: Fanart doesn't help much in that regard.

@marc , is fanart or inspiraton from a particular style considered?
i am kinda going in a similar style to overwatch just a random question that popped up..:smile:

So will that be considered as fanart? although i am working on my own concept but it will have that overwatch look in it..

Is Collaboration with 2 or 3 people okey?

I would think it is ok but the prices will not multiply than, like, same prices for 3 people as for 1 person. but maybe this is supposed to be a adventure of the solo artist(s)