It's not fanart as long as you're not copying/basing your own design off of any of the existing characters. You can use any style you want.

It's a solo contest.

@rath-nikhil No, the marmoset file can be posed or not, up to you. The judging criteria are mentioned on the main contest page btw! There are no technical requirements other than the Marmoset file has a limit of 20MB.

I don't know if anyone mentioned this but can a 3D entry use a base human design(artists concept of a human body/using the silouhette) to construct a concept before diving into 3D?

As can the 2D artists so i am assuming, yes? I would love verification though.

Nice idea and site, i am sure a lot of enthusiasts whom wished to see a "brawl" type challenge/contest come around for them as well.

Could I theoretically enter the same character in both the 2D and 3D categories? If say I do a ton of concepting, including full illustration, along with the final model? Just out of curiosity.

For the marmoset: Do we have to give all the layers? like UV, normals, etc? I don't know how to do any of these ._.
I can do matcap assignment and polypaint

I swear i read somewhere on these forums that it's one entry per category, so I am not an official spokes person for this contest/challenge but i read just yesterday.

They have to be two separate designs for each and you can enter both they just need to be different designs for both 2d and 3d.

You can wait for verification like i am though.

Edit: ok found it you have to click the top post img/picture and it brings you to this:

• You can only submit one entry per category (2D/3D)

Ive been reminded dat Im unable to join the contest because I live in Montreal Quebec... I was very happy and cranked up about doing joining the contest and sharing my work... seems like i'm going back alone with my work (wich was already started...) sad & angry :frowning:

I have a question, is the final image with T-pose?

I believe the T-pose (+ closeups, interesting details) is only in the detail sheet you have to make if you don't use marmoset.
The final image is a beauty render presentation with additional background elements.

Hello. Sorry if it's stupid question . Model must be game ready or for production animation? is good topology matters?

Is redesign of a character allowed?

Short answer:

That would be considered a fan-art which is prohibited from what i see being posted in response to similar questions.

@shalva Talent falls under your concerns, it takes talent to use good judgement on topology and layouts.

Seems it can be either, since there is no limit you might be able to do whatever from what it sounds like.

For everyone coming by wondering anything this is the "rules" section, you click that img in the first post it takes you here:

@saycats you can enter both 2D and 3D category, but the entries cannot share anything - concept, design etc, it has to be completely different for both entries.

@aesthetic :(( you can enter and share your work, but you are not able to win any prices. If you want, you can still join just for the motivation that contests and deadlines will give you. I'm really sorry the laws in Quebec are so bad.

@fonx32 no, we want to see your original designs and ideas! :smile:

@zyp hey, thanks for taking the time to answer people's questions! :smile: I re-answered some of them just do they know what's the "official" stance, but I really do appreciate your help!
We'll get back to you with an answer about the base human design (and the one about base mesh) as soon as possible.

We want everything in your entry to be yours. Everything on the concept sheet has to be made by you, including the sketches, silhouettes, design etc. from which you modeled.
You are free to use your own basemesh, but not somebody else's.
I hope that clears your questions, if not, feel free to ask further!

Also could you clarify if its alright to use "make human software" to create a base mesh?
What about the use of user created alphas and brushes (not made by me) in zbrush and photoshop if they are sufficiently modified in the final model?

Understood, though I've noticed a lot of submissions are using make human for their base models.
Also while zbrush comes with its stock set of brushes and alphas, there are hundreds of alphas used that are unofficial.
In anycase thanks for clarifying.

8 days later

I was curious what will fit in a marmoset (mview) file of 20 mb size. So I did a quick test. My old character 100k triangles with 4 shaders applied. Every shader with a 2k sheet of normal, albedo, metalness and roughnes textures.


What Rath said and it is a pitty showing progress shots should be mandatory, i realize this eliminates a few current in the works items, but fair is fair this is more about learning and community interaction, (i'd like to believe anyway) than prizes.

But it's your rodeo hosts.