Another busy week. Business as usual.
Term 4
Couple of excercices to work through this week.
"Daily Color and Light Theory 1 assignment 4"
Not a fan of this exercise. I do like identifying the palet and using them, but trying to go deeper and figuring out the type and other details... I dunno. I get a trained eye will be able to apply colors better, but man, this is among the ones I've struggle with the most. Maybe it's just my inexperience with color.

I will say, it is interesting how colors are applied, and the "feelings" different palettes can evoke.
Next exercise.
"Draw 10 character heads for your recent headless upper body studies, from imagination and in simple perspective (facing the camera, ¾ view - lineart only)"
More a fan of this one. This feels like a test to see how far we've come with head drawing, since it specifically says from imagination.
Figured I would try to make it a bit interesting and draw some of the main characters of the manga to refine them a bit as well as understand their main colors as well, since the previous exercice was about colors.

Only completed 6 for now, 3 of the main guys, 3 of the main girls. Some probably familiar if you've seen some of my stuff before, some who are yet to appear properly.
Fairly simple and straightforward, though I didn't spend that much time in each. Didn't elaborate much on line weight or shadows.
Their main colors also represent their characters to some degree. Specifically:
Brown - Resilience, dependability, security, and safety. Feelings of loneliness, sadness, and isolation.
Green - Money, luck, and Envy.
Yellow - Betrayal, optimism, caution, idealism, imagination, hope, philosophy, dishonesty, cowardice, jealousy, covetousness, deceit, and friendship.
Red - Sacrifice, danger, courage, passion, sexuality, anger, love.
Pink - Love, nurture, compassion, comfort, happiness.
Purple - Royalty, luxury, nobility, ambition.
I found it very interesting the colors do match their role and character to a big degree.
However one of the main points behind their designs is that the viewer should be able to distinguish them easily at a glance.
Got 4 more to go.
Finished the cover art!

And chapter is now up and online!
Whenever a chapter is complete I usally take a little break, like recovering my breath after running for a few laps.
Time to move to chapter 29 now!
Thanks for stopping by! Hope y'all continue to have a great weekend! Cheers!