My name is Douglas Sales, from Brazil. I have started the course some time ago but didn't get far. I'm going slowly but steady this time.
I have been learning to draw in completly isolation for quite some time, and have been feeling down because i'm not seeing too much improvement. I've decided to follow the many advices i heard to get involved in a community and get critique.
I don't really have a goal with art today, so i'm experimenting a lot of stuff.
Lately i've been learning about 3d Sculpting, Visual Effects, Animation and traditional drawing.
I'm posting some of the drawings that i'm most proud of.
I've drawn the toad from observation (photo), the others are original characters.

I'm taking the course in order, currently making term 1 Nude Figure Drawing assignments and gonna post them soon.
Any advice/suggestion/critique are welcome, including in my rusty English! Haha

Pen Control Assignment

Image Adjustments

Nude Figure Drawing
Skeleton Practice

Proportions (Watching and Drawing)

(From Memory)

Welcome Douglas! Your Before-Art-School drawings look awesome already! Looking forward to see more from you :smile:

Hello and welcome Douglas! I quite like the lines and more generally the character drawings that you have posted. It seems like you're starting from a good base already, so it will be nice to see your progress.

And I think your English is fine, although I'm not a native English speaker either, so maybe I'm not the most reliable to judge that 😆

Hey! I appreciate the attention!
I'm very happy to meet you. :smile:

@yaigrie i've seen your latest LOTR drawings, it's really nice, looking forward for more stuff!

@cedricgo I'm really unconfident about my language skills, so it can be hard sometimes, haha! I love your art, it's amazing.

Today was a day of suffering, as i struggled to get things done for term 1 measurements assignment, but more than that, it was a happy day, because i found a big flaw that i need to work on. After failing for several hours, i discovered that i'm always exagerating the angles and making things much bigger than they really are.
I often have difficult in being consistent, like making the same character over and over again, as they look quite different from a drawing to another, and now i found a culprid, haha!
This one is the better that i got so far, i kinda cheated, putting it in front of the reference a bunch of times, hahaha.

i'm gonna be working on this for some time. :smile:

Worked on some more measurements today. :smile:
I'm very happy with the results, it is far from perfect, but i feel that i got really better with it, since i wasn't even capable of finishing this before (except that one piece yesterday, haha).

I think i gonna go to the next step now.
Let me know if you see there's something i've missed.

Looks nice! Nothing really jumps at me as being wrong :+1: