I like how "other worldy-ness" the legs from number 2 are. looks promising!

Very, VERY cool! I love the design, and I absolutely ADORE your style!! Can't wait to see more!

I'm flattered. Thank you very much. Already working on more designs.

I like the Star design, Looks promising.

my favourite is the star one, could be a badass space cowgirl.

I love design 7, the armor seems more organized to me, by organized I mean, they are more in group. There are also resting places for the eyes like clean spots with no details. My advice would be keep some spots with no details for the audiences eyes to rest on, just my opinion :smile: But man, your designing skills are insane! Keep it up :smile:

I love 9 and 10. You have a fantastic eye for design, I'm really enjoying looking at your work:)

The variation for each design paired with how intricate they are is really remarkable. Looking forward to seeing your progress.

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Thank you guys for cheering me up and for your kind words.

I would really start working these options with color. This type of design you are making can suffer many changes due to the weight that colors and shadows can have. All these options are equally great, so I would think about adding color to have one more decision tool.

That's right. Thank you Sheep ^_____^
I took a break and watched 2 movies: Harlock space pirate and Wonderful days. Some boost of inspiration for this theme.

If this takes a cyberpunk look i think it would look amazing

Such a candy and cute character awww, shes adorable! :smile: The colors are amazing and the details of the armor is impressive too :smile: Most of all I love her character :)) Great work! Im looking forward for mroe updates, especially the back and the illustrations :smile: