Greetings everyone, I gonna start a running art blog of sketches, studies, and whatnot. I'm looking to have fun with my artwork, but I really want to learn and improve my illustration skills so crits and feedback are ALWAYS welcomed. Recommendations of useful books, courses, tutorials, etc is SUPER WELCOMED!!!

I'm trying to get better at lineart and anatomy, right now I have been doing some irregular gesture and anatomy studies but still have plenty to learn.

Also, I'm on IG and just about everywhere else using the same moniker so feel free to check those out :smile:

Hi and welcome! I don't really have much to say about your work as it's looking pretty nice. So just keep it up and you're all set 🙂

hello there ... nice to have u ... some interesting design ideas and good compositions ... for recomendations ... lineart: feng zhu's design cinema series on youtube espiacially the sketching ones or for more comic style david finch, it just comes down to practise ... for lighting and shading definitely anthony jones ... I don't really know any anime style artist if thats more up ur alley ... keep up the studying and u can improve a lot in a short time

Hey there! These are looking really cute!
If you’re looking to improve anatomy, i am currently studying from Michael Hampton’s figure drawing book, and the one from ImagineFX magazine.
Re line work, I think the only thing you can do to improve is practice a whole bunch, and also try to copy artists you like and look up to :smile:
Your artwork is already looking great, by improving these aspects it would become amazing, keep up the good work