Hi all! I'm Morgan, I also go by Eon Artist. I'm currently a technical product manager in the software industry, but I've also been an artist for my entire life. I've definitely had periods where I didn't do art and I was just focused on survival instead.
Now I'm at a point in my life where art is screaming at me to come back into the forefront. I decided to buy the course and finally give art the time and focus I've been craving so badly.
I'm also a writer, and I've had a world in my head for 20 years called Eon. It's a novel series I want to write, and I'm also in love with the idea that I can illustrate most of the details, characters, and monsters in this world. So that's a lot of what my focus will be when I'm doing assignments, figuring out how I can use each lesson to apply to my world of Eon.
Welcome to my revived art journey (he says mostly to himself)!