i think the last time i was logged in here was in 2017?? i think?
I want to give it another try as i am trying to be more deliberate in my approach to work, and this might help me to lay it all out there and hopefully hear what yall nice peeps have to say about it!
Always open for constructive critiques :wink:

some of the links:
tw: https://twitter.com/dzheljka
ig: https://www.instagram.com/mew_feuille/
artstation: https://www.artstation.com/dzeljka

I'm gonna start with one of wip's
Meet my little druid Miranda.
Normally i just jump into illustration, and they are usually very colorful. And because i just jump into it, i spend too much time figuring stuff on the way, and forming character on the go, if i can say it like that.
With this one, i wanted to at least have some vague picture as a reference where i would tackle the design and colors of it.
So far, presentation-vise, i think that maybe i should make the pose a bit more dynamic, feels kind of boring. But i guess it does the job of laying it all out there?

It's still a wip, but i would appreciate any input on it :smile:

So far, these are the thumbnails for the illustration.
I'm kinda leaning toward no 4

Oh this is looking awesome. I think for your compositions I'm also definitely preferring 4, it looks really cool and interesting. I think with your WIP, what struck me was her face doesn't feel like it fits her if that makes sense. I think I'd try experimenting with the size of her head/face a bit.

I definitely like number 4 a lot and I'd have number 2 as a close second favorite.

As for the character, I like really like her design. But I also agree that her face looks a bit... off. It's not that bad and maybe it's what you were going for, but I think you could move her eyes up a little bit and it would look a bit better. But otherwise, nice job!

@cedricgo @HollyRose thank you so much for the feedback. i tried moving her eyes a bit up and it rly feels better rn. I guess i just grew fond of her squishy face from earlier, but it rly does not suit this character :smiley:

11 days later

a couple of studies done recently
i do have a lot more of traditional sketches, done during lunch break at work
tho I'm kinda torn if o should post them here with this bunch?

Awesome studies! I especailly love the two hands with the eye. Such a gorgeous piece )

thank you! i enjoyed playing with a reference study :smiley:

I really like your style. I always have trouble getting skin to feel alive the way you've done in all your paintings (I poked around your Instagram account). slightly off topic but what kind of pie is that?

hey Matt! sorry for the late reply, didn't see the notification until now ahaha
and thanks man!
the pie is a avocado lime pie. I'm not a big fan of avocado, but do their deserts look nice and gourmet like!

11 days later

Currently creating design of a flower type chimera for an illustration.
She should have a giant golden flowery mane and large tail, while also pure and guarding a portal/door/arch

First i started quickly some shapes, based on some plants i was familiar with or saw beforehand

The first one seemed like a more elegant idea, so i took it a bit further for more quick and loose iterations

The last one, i second raw is currently my fav one, i feel like the plant element reads well and she stayed elegant and majestic (I hope)

I wont share much sketches for the illustration, as they are VERY sketchy and unclear
but here is the one i picked to flesh out a bit.
Currently battling perspective and fixing some ideas for the space and bigger elements

As always, critiques are super welcome!

Nice! Good job I love those! I really like the designs and your camera angles!