Hello friends and fellow artist,
this is my first post in awhile, so it'll be a big one so sorry in advance. I was having some hardware woes with my pc so ive been doing most of my work on paper, but now with new parts in place I should be able to be more proactive on the forums even though I've been checking the forums often on my phone.
I've been taking extra time with specifically the nude drawing section of term 1 ,partly trying to grow my cofidence drawing digitally but mostly to really have a strong understanding of body stucture and have a better foundation for the human figure which has always been my weakpoint. I have also been studying different body types as well as simple and more dynamic poses being that while I was in university we studied the same old man for 3 semesters.Nice man but it was limiting and kinda made me feel stunted. Also Ive been working in Corel Painter because I like the brush simulation ,it has helping my transition into digital and it has allowed me to work with varions media on the fly.

This was my 1st attempt yesterday and i followed along with video, I was thinking before i finish out the term doing it blind a couple times to see how well it goes

So, I have a round of Gesture drawings I did today to share. I have been doing gesture drawings for a few days now and have seen improvement in both speed and accuracy , however I found I have a problem planning how large my subject should be in comparison to the paper. It is hard for me to fit the correct proportions because I find myself run out of space because it is easy to get absorbed in a specific part of the body while using the tablet. Are there any tools or techniques I can use to help me or is it just a trial-and-error process?

40 seconds

5 minutes

15 minutes

Nice work with these term one assigments! You are off to a great start. I don't know what most do but I in regards to gesture but I always draw at 100% zoom and try to make each figure on the page the same size as the one to the next of it. Though sometimes they come out much bigger than the one next to it, I don't think it matters much as long as the proportions are good. I wouldn't sweat it I think this will work itself out with practice.

Thanks alot I appeciate the feedback and advice.