This is what I have of Term 5 so far. Initially I wanted to do an imaginary creature from scratch like Marc did, but I really wanted to make a portfolio piece so I felt like it was easier to start with a "normal" character and then maybe include a creature, but right now I can't really imagine what kind of creature would fit in with my character concept.

I'm pretty heartbroken that my file for this got corrupted, I managed to salvage the character from the low quality JPG, but still sucks, the sketches and silhouettes are gone. I have to apply some feedback Marc gave me about the metal and add a few more things for a final presentation of the project for my portfolio.

Really like the silhouette of this character like i said on the saturday stream. nice to get to see how well it is all rendered out. great work on the animal stuff as well

Done. My first completed project in Art School for my portfolio. It feels a little barebones to be honest, but being my first I guess it's okay, I would like to show more sketches in my next one or something else.

Any feedback on my presentation or anything else is appreciated!

There's still a a Nude Figure Sculpting class in Term 5, but I honestly think I might skip it, I guess it's useful to solidify even further anatomy and figure knowledge, but it's very time consuming, 3D and zbrush is not my focus and I really want to work on more portfolio pieces.

I also "missed" the chance to create a fantasy creature for Term 5 as Marc did, but hopefully I can implement that in a future project.

Love this project of yours. And the animal studies are off the charts! :heart_eyes:

Thanks Vika! Yeah I was happy with those line studies too, gotta work on my painting/rendering to get those other ones to the same level :9

Don't get me wrong, I love your character concept too, but I was already exposed to it during the stream. Extra poses are a great touch though.

3 months later

hello, I came back to this Term because I felt like I was missing one of the final creature assignments, I already showed these 2 weeks back on the stream, so here's just some progress because it's been a while since I posted and I would always love some feedback big or small.

I hadn't shown these characters, but yeah the creatures are supposed to be accompanied by their masters/tamers.

I feel like my biggest problem is poor conceptualization and/or presentation, I never really think things through as much as I should, so these concept pages are pretty much forced together and to appear less empty I added some of the character items and some random action/emotion.

I gotta fix the values of the characters vs those of the creatures, they don't match rn :wink:

Woah they are amazing!! :smile: My favorites: the lemur (?) and the lizard, they do have the best expressions :smile: