Hello everyone,
I am a Brazilian guy living in Sweden that always loved to draw but never took it too seriously !
So I am a beginner in the world of digital drawing and using the programs x) !
My setup is a Xp pen Innovator 16 drawing tablet and the program that I am using/learning is Krita since its free and had a lot of good reviews!

I would love any form of feedback from anyone on the things i post here, cuz I feel that being engaged with the community will help my motivation and thus my improvement!!

Here is my first assignment, still getting used to the feel of drawing on the tablet x) so you can see my shaky lines x) !

And here is the image adjustment assignments, it was kinda difficult with the difference interface from Krita to the professor examples on Photoshop, but still fun !

And finally the dream house assignment that I had fun with some typical things from were I used to live in Rio de Janeiro, you guys can clearly see what i have added in the beach background hahahahahahahha so still some room for improvements there !

I have skipped the other image manipulation exercise because i had a lot of trouble getting good with the selection tool in Krita but i did the human figure exercises.

Here it is the simple skeleton ones, i feel like my shapes for the torso and pelvis are a little bit off, idk... i used this site for the models, its really nice ----> http://reference.sketchdaily.net/en

and i just finished the cylinder ones, the last male one was kinda tricky but o chose him because of that difficult pose as well x)

again any feed back is super welcome !

I feel like this helps to visualize the reference better

Welcome and good work. Although it looks like #4 still needs work.

Hey hey, thanks for the reply!
Yeah my #4 is not that good, but i have tweaked a lot with the Krita colors, shadows and highlights manipulations tools and didn't got close to the reference, the only way that i think i could do it if i were to select different parts of the image with the selection tool and individually change the selected area and so on, but i thought that was not how i was supposed to do that so I gave up x) .

gotcha, Im on photoshop so i cant help much however i do know that it should be done as a whole not in sections.

Took me sometime to update here cuz i was working all day, but here it is the female and male proportions part of the class, that opened my brain in some proportions parts that i really liked, but still a lot of room for improvement !