Some prior drawn things before starting the course, mostly stuff from a story I’m writing


Really like the black and white one great job so far, im excited to see your progress within the Terms! :smiley:

15 days later

Picture I did after taking a few of marcs classes. Doing everything I can to get myself ready for video game animation


Latest drawing I completed, trying my best to finishing a piece a day or every other day. Time to do some writing and then get cracking on the next one!

Latest drawing I’ve completed. I used Marcs methods, and this image was inspired from an art challenge elsewhere. I used my OC’s for this. looking forward in going on to term 3!

Newest drawing i did. I did this as a challenge where someone would give me a description and a very basic sketch, and turned it in to this.

Here was the reference for the image Above, all right to the image i am posting belongs to a gentlemen named Konrad Baltic, and here was his written prompt

“ Someone reaching out towards an entity(entities) that are beyond human comprehension, bartering for power, and succeed in only drawing their malevolent gaze. Perhaps cosmic or surrealism combined with horror.”

This one was a doozy to. I used some of marcs brushes for the trees. I also followed his method for making three point perspective for the entire drawing. It was a blast to do and only took 22hrs!

9 days later

Book cover i drew up for someone. Not nearly as good as some that are out there, but it’s a step in the right direction i hope.