Hello! I bought the ART School course back in September 2021, but I ended up in an art rut shortly after. I'm feeling very inspired, and am ready to start improving! I've lurked through these forums before, and this seems like a cool community! I'm excited to get involved myself!

I've done a lot of practice with figure drawing, but I have neglected basically everything else! XD I really hope to expand out of my comfort zone and transition from simple character drawings to full illustrations with better storytelling!

As a frame of reference, these are my most recent drawings. The first is my original character, and the other two were gifts for friends.

Started off with completing all of the Photoshop For Digital Production assignments. Most of the digital pen control was done in Clip Studio, but I'm new to the program, and so far I can't find any brushes that even come close to what the last exercise asks for, so I used Krita for that one. It still did not turn out great however. I've got a lot a work to do when it comes to pen control!

Welcome to the forums! I look forward to seeing your progress!

Thanks for the welcome! I'll be sure to follow along with your progress as well! :relaxed:

Here are some simple skeletons! This was actually more challenging than I thought it would be! Trying to figure out the perspective of the cylinders can be a bit difficult. For the second batch, I decided to go fast, so I wouldn't worry about making the lines or shapes perfect. I think I'll take more time to consider the volumes in the future.

The rest of the figure drawing assignments. I realized that I'm so used to building my art in layers of sketches, so I'm not good at clean lines straight off the bat. Hopefully that can improve in time!

Great job on those gestures!

I also build my art in layers of sketches. What helped me to refine my lines was to lower the opacity after each pass. Draw the full figure with loose lines, lower the opacity, do another pass on a new layer with tighter lines and so on.

To be honest I really like your figure drawing. The loose lines give it lots of energy.

Hello I really love those gestures, your lines give off so much energy. Great work.

Some more simple skeleton exercises, first I traced over them and then in purple, I did from reference. Looking at others' work I decided to make the cylinders longer, which compared to the first skeleton, the other two look a lot better. The main thing I observed is that when I do it from reference I lose the subtleties that I captured in the traces. In the future, I want to be more observant and capture the poses better!

I also did a 15 minute session of 30 sec gesture drawings!

Here is more measured proportions practice! This is the part that I have the most challenge with. I've done a lot of gesture drawing, but this analytical approach is new to me.

I can see I made the figure a little too short, and her arms too long, as well as some issues with foreshortening.

Really nice work with this! Pretty darn close! Kep it up!