Well I am new with the digital art and I want to learn more and I hope I improve more then the last year . I make some fan arts and I draw mostly with oils and watercolours and I will show some new stuff =]

Well that is last year my fan art for N7 day . And... now I see and in a way I think I can make the omni-tool much better ...

Lovely work! Yes, the omni tool could use some sharpness, but Shepard is nicely done, I really like her face.
Looking forward to seeing more from you!

Thank you! Yeahhh the omni-toll was the last thing I do on that work and I was soooooo tired and that is why is like that. But for the next N7 day this year I am working on something new and I think the omni-tool there will not be like that =]

16 days later

The woman with the twelve stars..

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