amazing work man !!!

I think it would've looked nicer if the stars were a bit more visible but I love the illustration nonetheless! Love that the dog is looking at the viewer too, as if it's just spotted an intruder, making the viewer a part of the painting in a way.
The left side with the pink spots is a bit confusing to me, though.

Hi Thanks for the feedback! I tried what you said. Looks great thanks for the advice :smiley:

Very nice picture, and very pleasant usage of greys. I like it.

As far as CC goes...

The change with the stars was a solid choice, the sky was feeling a bit too large of a negative space, you could fiddle with northern lights or something as well, but obviously that would completely steal focus, but given all the lines aiming upwards I do want to look up there already.

The pink shapes in the bottom left corner that are relatively more saturated than the rest of the objects on the lower portion of the canvas keep pulling my eye in even more so than the camp fire, you also have quite a few lines pointing towards it. Is there some reason that you have so much focus on that shape? Because it really seems to steal focus.

Hi thanks for the feedback ! I originally thought of some brightly coloured flowers shiney with frost reflecting from the fire - originally I had the piece as a landscape composition where it worked better but now I look at it, it indeed takes focus away. I'll provably look at adding some more foliage pointing toward the camp and taking away the saturated colours from it now ! Really helpful feedback thanks very much :smile:

Glad to help, and that does make much more sense as you described the original intent.