Wow Lots of good concepts here. You seem to be jumping around between a lot of different ideas though. I would recommend solidifying in your mind what you want the character to be and/or represent. Maybe make a list of bullet points and make sure your design works to represent them, and add more as you get a better idea of what you want them to be.
For the current design the searchlights coming from the goggles don't quite work. It's hard to tell where the light is supposed to be coming from as they are brightest towards the center of the light rays. If you want them to look like they're glowing you should color in the goggles with a bright color and make the glow brightest towards them, as right now they only look like they're reflecting rather than radiating light.
If you do want to make it look like she has bunny ears though you could instead add some decals to the sides of her head where the straps of the goggles might be, or maybe some antenna. Or you could even have her hood up and it could have bunny ears sewn on.
Anyways, those are my suggestions. Hopefully some of it was helpful. Keep up the good work You've got a lot of good designs and ideas. All that's left now is finishing up a few details and polishing it up.