Ooooh yeah! I gotta recommend you to check out new DOOM's art book (I have one purchased), it really can help you flesh out this concept.
Also yeah, when I look at him like that, I gain very generic NPC vibes from him which isn't good, I cant see the concentration of his power in his appearance! He is too big to be agile to fit his claw theme, yet too small to fit brute tank theme, I would suggest you to increase the size of his hands to show that those are his power, and to make it more effective, don't make claws like it's his nails, make his claws an extension of his very fingers or even whole hand itself, big heavy shredding machine, if it wont penetrate your defences - it will sure crush you with big brute force.
You can reduce his armor, make him more slim, probably add the tail (for extra balance and agility), make his claws longer, and make him that quick type of predator, fcking hard to hit, yet deadly. (In that case I would suggest you to check out some lickers from resident evil and perhaps vertigo creatures from Until Dawn game.
(Balanced theme just looks boring and unsettling in my opinion :[
So long it looks promising!
Keep it up!